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Laughter, Tears of Joy & Divinity
Citation:   Sunflesh. "Laughter, Tears of Joy & Divinity: An Experience with 4-HO-MiPT (exp114200)". Mar 24, 2020.

  oral 4-HO-MiPT
    insufflated 4-HO-MiPT
    insufflated 4-HO-MiPT
    smoked Tobacco
Decided to test how deep this substance goes so I did all 100 mg in one night.

ROA's were: oral, insuffulation & vaporizing. Which each I noticed every ROA is effective but besides oral the effects came on very quick especially vaporizing.

The trip itself: Had slight anxiety during onset which quickly went away. The visuals were something in between 4 Ho Mipt & psilocybin. Color blotches surrounded my vision & the walls were undulating, especially my tapestries. Watching Law & Order had me laughing hysterically -- like I must've been laughing constantly for 4-5 hours. The thoughts going through my head were memetic in nature & everything seemed absurdly funny. Like my previous experiences with DXM the visuals were cartoonish but more realistic. Tracers were heavy; waving my hand in front of me caused heavy tracers especially so I spent about 10 minutes doing that (why not).

I've tried lower doses of this before, 50 mg or so, but at higher doses this substance has a very spiritual side. In between laughing & listening to music (which I noticed causes all sounds to be much deeper but generally enhances music) I was crying tears of joy. Felt like a divine presence took ahold of me & was convincing me to become a better person.
Felt like a divine presence took ahold of me & was convincing me to become a better person.

I'm weird so I usually smoke tobacco out of a water bong...And decided to sprinkle a little of the psych on top. It worked! Not sure how effective it was though. Paired with quality tobacco it made the experience very relaxed.

All in all this was a very lovely experience. 9/10.

Warning: Combining cannabis & 4 Ho Mipt may result in a panic attack. I've tried smoking weed with pretty much every psychedelic I've done & it worked fine. But this combination felt psychotic in a way. Luckily it was just a bad feeling & didnt last long.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114200
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Mar 24, 2020Views: 1,048
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4-HO-MiPT (342) : Combinations (3), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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