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Should Not Take at Night
Citation:   Golden. "Should Not Take at Night: An Experience with Propylhexedrine (exp114208)". Apr 14, 2020.

125 mg oral Pharms - Propylhexedrine  
      Caffeine (daily)
For a little background, I have been into researching OTC drug substitutes/mirrors for illegal drugs for a little over a year now. You can imagine my excitement when I heard of a drug similar to Adderall that I could get OTC. I have dabbled in amphetamines previously, so I have a decent amount of experience in this.

I picked up a benzedrex inhaler at my local Walgreens for around 10 dollars and prepared for the night. Since it's my first time trying it, I got a trusted friend of mine to sit on the phone in case of a catastrophe, just to be super careful. After looking at several reports and asking a friend who had experience with propylhexedrine, I decided on 125 mgs for my first try despite my previous experience with amphetamines.

At 7:30 pm, I broke open the container and cut the cotton in half. The smell of menthol and lavender was not the greatest, but not super nauseating either. I cut up the half further into little pieces and put them in pill capsules. At 7:40 I swallowed the two pills I made and waited for effects.

Soon, around 8:15, I started to feel quite jumpy and excited. The initial nerves and fear of trying a new substance subsided and I was ready for what was to come, or at least I thought. The lavender burps were a not super great feeling, but not unbearable.

About another half hour later the slightly euphoric feeling dissipated and I began to think that was the peak of the high. I went in with the expectation that it would be a two-hour steady climb to a peak for about an hour before coming down for a total of 6 hours under its influence. I was quite incorrect. Because of the early euphoric feelings, I was disappointed and I thought I didn’t take enough for a genuine peak. I thought my excessive caffeine consumption daily could have affected me and thought that maybe I should have taken a higher dose initially. I decided to just ride this experience out until the end without adding any more into my system. Thank god I didn’t take more.
Thank god I didn’t take more.

Around 11 pm I got ready to go to sleep. I had a major group project to work on the next day so I figured I might as well get a good bit of sleep. My greatest efforts to fall asleep were fruitless, I was left wide awake after melatonin (yes, I checked for potential interactions) and all the things I normally do to wind down. I got up to clean around the house and organize my room because I felt a good bit of motivation. What felt like a second later, I checked the clock and three hours have passed! It's around 2 am at this point and I saw no sleep in my future. I felt a mild headache forming from fatigue and those godforsaken lavender burps returned. I had never felt more awake in my life. I knew consciously that I should be exhausted but I was awake and alert.

Now it was 7.5 hours after taking it and I see no end in sight. At this point, I feel it will never end. The “high” itself is great, I feel quite productive and I can type much faster than usual, but since its 3:30 am the day of a major project, I’m not super pumped about it. My headache mentioned previously is still apparent along with lavender taste. One effect I haven’t seen in other reports is a really dry mouth. I’ve had a good bit of water but to no avail, my mouth is still dry. I’m going to work on some various projects and hope I get tired eventually.

After a good hour and a half of finishing work, I think I’m finally tired enough to go to bed. It's now 9 1/2 hours since I took it, and quite frankly I’m shocked it has lasted this long.
It's now 9 1/2 hours since I took it, and quite frankly I’m shocked it has lasted this long.
Maybe the capsules I used were somehow extended release? Regardless, I’m going to go pass out. I'll continue the update later today. Oh, and those lavender burp fucks are still here.

At 12:40 pm the next day, officially 17 hours since taking it, and I feel pretty terrible. Either it's just the normal comedown from amphetamines or the lack of sleep last night, but I feel pretty awful. The lavender taste and dry mouth have finally subsided and other than a mild stomach ache and headache I feel physically normal again. The concentration and focus from last night faded, so now all I’m left with is fatigue from no sleep. Looking back on it, this was not a good idea to take later in the day. If I could fix one mistake it would be that. This drug is 110% NOT a social drug. I don’t understand how others felt social when using this at all. I usually am a very social person but this made me very isolated and in my own head.

I would sum up this drug and experience up in one sentence, Adderall on steroids, but take out the fun part. Maybe it was time circumstances and me worrying about the next day that psyched me out but this put me in a shitty mood. I felt little to no euphoric effects as I had hoped, but I’ll blame that on the fact that I probably didn’t take enough considering how much Adderall I’ve used previously.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 114208
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 14, 2020Views: 2,003
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Pharms - Propylhexedrine (389) : Alone (16), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2)

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