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My Freefall Into the Void
Cannabis (adulteration suspected)
Citation:   Firmensprecher. "My Freefall Into the Void: An Experience with Cannabis (adulteration suspected) (exp114255)". Apr 21, 2020.

3 hits smoked Cannabis
T:00m: Smoked about 3 hits of a joint a friend of mine gave me, unknown strain, unknown potency. Almost immediately I become insanely dizzy and realize I've made a horrible mistake [Unknown Synthetic Cannibanoid?]. The urge to puke kept me up as I lay down in bed, my body swaying in every motion possible.

T:10m: Stumble my way to the bathroom to get some water. Instead, I collapse and use the door to keep my balance. For about another 10 minutes I scream for my roommate to get me some water and keep me grounded. Hallucinations right now were vague vibrating shapes and nothing else.

T:25m: Now in bed again after having a large glass of water, my body begins to tense up. Hallucinations have become more intense with color and definite shape. When I close my eyes, the hallucinations become more intense, creating entire landscapes with vivid color. With a slow, convulsive movement I grab my phone to message a few of my frens, telling what had happened. At this point I'm locked up in an uncomfortable position, hallucinating intensely and convulsing even more intensely. Each time my heart beats, a great pain is washed through me. At one time my vision had become pitch black, where I felt every pain of death just to come back to reality a second later. Though it felt much longer during the experience, feeling like 30 minutes. All I could see was a mushroom laden in white, impenetrable blackness and rumbling washed over me. At some point I fell asleep, waking up 5 hours later.

T:5:56: I'm not hallucinating visually any more at the moment, but sounds have become more enhanced and powerful. I'm also getting some amphetamine like constipation and convulsions, as well as heightened awareness. Overall, I'm very groggy yet very awake after this terrifying experience.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114255
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Apr 21, 2020Views: 668
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Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), What Was in That? (26), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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