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Nice, But Weak
Passion Flower
Citation:   PiSsPhLeGm. "Nice, But Weak: An Experience with Passion Flower (exp11430)". Feb 24, 2007.

3 bowls smoked Passion Flower (leaves)
After taking this stuff many different ways, (smoking, drinking, chewing, etc...), and experiencing nothing, I'd had enough. I was gonna get high off it if it killed me. After taking a bunch of the healthiest, youngest leaves from many passion flower vines which I picked from school, I took them home to dry out. Two days later, I shreaded the leaves up and took them outside to smoke. As sceptical as I was, I wanted to try this anyway. The smoke went down fairly ok as I started inhaling the first bowl. Though as more and more burned up, the smoke got hotter and hotter.

Therefore, I added more of the passionleaf into my pipe as I smoked. Halfway through the second bowl, I started to get a little distractable, as I get with pot. I thought it was just my imagination fuckin with me so I kept on tokin. When I reached my third bowl I started shaking. As I ended my third bowl it was hard to even light the damn thing with the shaking it was causing me. I still felt distractable and dreamy. By then I was sure it wasn't my imagination.

I finished up and went inside. The mild marijuana like feelings continued, though unlike pot, passionflower made me kinda speedy. My muscles were a little tense though not so it was uncomfortable. The high lasted for a total of about 45 minutes.

All in all I'm probably not going to do this shit again unless nothin else is available. It was an ok high though it was pretty damn mild. It also is not worth choking down three bowls of hot smoke. Though it would be a hell of a lot better if I could extract the harmol and harmoline out of the leaves and flowers and smoke that instead.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11430
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 24, 2007Views: 26,516
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Passion Flower (121) : Health Problems (27), General (1), Alone (16)

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