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Where Are My Freaking Keys?
by Mike
Citation:   Mike. "Where Are My Freaking Keys?: An Experience with Amitriptyline (exp114524)". Jul 1, 2020.

10 mg oral Pharms - Amitriptyline (daily)
My experience with Elavil (Amitriptyline)

I was a 24YO male at the time of dosage (Early 2019). Amitriptyline was prescribed to me by my primary care doctor for anxiety and migraine prophylaxis. No previous history of major drug use.

I began taking amitriptyline as directed by the doctor: One before bedtime.

Amitriptyline is by far the heaviest medication I have ever taken for sleep. I was completely knocked out for at least 16 hours the first dose. Not discouraged by the first night, I continued taking the pill as directed. Instead of the initial side effects dissipating, it only got worse. In fact, it got to the point that I would sleep at least 14 hours bare minimum on any given night. Sure, I would wake up groggy and then spring up with some energy, but it would overall just drag me down and lower my mood.

Not only did it work poorly for the intended uses (anxiolytic and migraine prophylaxis), it also caused another major and unwanted side effect: Memory issues.

At the time, I worked for a major auto parts chain as a parts driver. In essence, my job was to deliver parts (i.e., brake parts, oil and filters, etc) to auto repair shops. Amitriptyline did not affect my ability to drive, though I will add it felt odd that I would be driving and forget where I was going. If I was supposed to go to Sears located south of the parts store, I would go towards Firestone, which was north of the store. For the most part, my memory was absolutely shot on this drug. Working and short term. Long term memory stayed intact fortunately.

I will also add that sleeping so much actually worked opposite of the desired affect. I would wake up after sleeping so long that my head would practically throb until I took a shower and started my day.

I took this drug for a very short time (one week or so) and disposed of the rest properly. I definitely won't ever touch a TCA again. I have been caught saying, that amitriptyline's official slogans should be "Where are my daggum keys now?" And "Umm, I think those brake pads were supposed to go to Sears. I'm sorry Mr. Firestone mechanic!" to which I can only look back and laugh at this drug! On the bright side, at least I didn't die or lose my short term memory forever!

10/10 drug for sleep and becoming a doped up zombie
0/10 for anxiety, migraine prevention and living a normal life. I want my week of life back!

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 114524
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jul 1, 2020Views: 1,420
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Pharms - Amitriptyline (165) : Hangover / Days After (46), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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