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A Massage From God
Citation:   Miss Lilly. "A Massage From God: An Experience with 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (exp114611)". Jul 23, 2020.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (liquid)
  T+ 0:15 10 mg oral 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (liquid)
  T+ 0:25 10 mg oral 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (liquid)
  T+ 0:40 20 mg oral 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (liquid)
  T+ 1:00 20 mg oral 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (liquid)
  T+ 1:15 20 mg oral 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (liquid)
  T+ 1:30 30 mg oral 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (liquid)
  T+ 1:45 30 mg oral 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (liquid)
  T+ 2:00 30 mg oral 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (liquid)
13:00 10mg chemical drop & no other noticeable effects

13:15 10mg feels like I’ve had a glass of wine

13:25 10mg enjoying talking and feeling summer time kind of drunkness

13:40 20mg start to feel pretty light in my body and begin to enjoy the oncoming feelings. Still talking and interacting as kind of usual

14:00 20mg put on some chill electronic music and very much enjoy this as a background to the conversation - laughing a lot more than usual

14:15 20mg I want to watch a Michael Jackson live at Wembley dvd so I go to hunt for my DVD player and dvds. Upon getting up I notice that things are definitely feeling very wobbly but I’m still able to get everything I need and hook up the DVD player

14:30 30mg the dvd is incredible! I’m absolutely blown away by the music and the performance - it feels like I am in a 1:1 concert with Michael Jackson himself 😂😂 I’m now really feeling much more of the “ketamine” like effects vs initial drunkness effects.

14:45 30mg still watching the dvd but aware that I’m probably not experiencing it as I would normally. The music actually sounds pretty bad as it’s all distorted and almost like I’m hearing it note by note but I quite enjoy this break down of it. Can’t wipe the smile off my face. Body feels completely numb and yet at the same time I feel the life pumping through my veins!

15:00 30mg I’m beginning to lose all sense of time and can’t remember what I was just doing very well. Feeling overall incredible. Moving my body to the music feels great and I’m completely letting go and singing as I want to

15:30 feel pretty sweaty and decide to pause the dvd and take a bath. When I get up this time walking is incredibly difficult. I’m basically doing a shuffle to get from room to room. I laugh saying I have no idea how I’m actually moving. Filling the bath the water and bathroom looks like another world. The water feels incredible. I go into each room and the entire space is warping drastically as I move. It feels like I’m in an entirely different house altogether.

15:45 bring a moon lamp and some soft music into the bathroom. Turn the lights off and get in the bath. It feels incredible!!! I don’t know how I had never thought to do this before using regular K. The water is cool - medium warm and it feels very refreshing. I feel like I’m simply melting entirely and my entire body is a jelly.

16:00 I lay back and allow myself to fall softly into a beautiful “hole” I’m moving through a space that is filled with what I can best describe as particles. They are all different colors and shapes. I’m not a body but a kind of energy sphere. The space allows me to stretch out and expand really far and also shrink back in. I feel like this is a full “body” massage. I tell my husband at this point that I’m receiving a massage from god (he’s in the bath with me but not tripping) he holds my hands and I let go further but can still feel his hands as I’m flying through some kind of colorful space. The colors are pastel and nothing much interesting but the body feeling is PURE BLISS. I feel like I’m being filled with energy and warm hugs. I see the important people in my life. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude and love.

16:30 I’m still in the bath and now just feel like I’m tripping hard. I can see all kinds of geometric patterns on my husbands face and the bathroom still looks like an entirely different land. He leaves so I can shampoo and bathe. Getting up to get the shampoo and conditioner I still feel like I’m not entirely in my body but I can do all these things nevertheless.

17:00 I get out the bath and get dressed and he wants to order food. Using my phone feels weird and I have to close one eye as if I am drunk. Not hungry at all. Still feeling pure blissed out from that god tier 2fcdk hole massage.

18:30 we get food. I can eat but not very much and not super hungry. Can walk and do everything fine but I feel a bit like a drunken penguin. Unlike ketamine the after effects last a long time. Feel kinda body heavy - head is heavy - I eat to help this along

19:30 completely “back to normal” still feeling an after glow and enjoy watching a movie :)

Overall - really impressed as lots of reports I read seemed like it would be difficult to hole but I slid right in with ease and towards the latter half the effects were pretty identical to ketamine although the hole was pretty different in “tone” but equally enjoyable! Can’t believe I needed so little - usually do between 500 - 1000mg of K so this will go a long way!!

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114611
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Jul 23, 2020Views: 5,388
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2-Fluorodeschloroketamine (778) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Alone (16)

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