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Destroying Music
Citation:   PsychoticCorpse. "Destroying Music: An Experience with 4-HO-MiPT (exp114617)". Aug 5, 2020.

T+ 0:00
  T+ 0:00 2 mg oral 4-HO-MiPT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:15 10 mg oral 4-HO-MiPT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:17 6 mg oral 4-HO-MiPT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00 2 hits vaporized Cannabis (extract)
  T+ 3:10   oral Cannabis (edible / food)
  T+ 6:00 6.8 g oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
~10 and 16 Milligrams of 4-hydroxy-methylisopropyltryptamine Experience Report

Destroying Music

This experiment will be to conduct an allergy test and a subsequent experiment with an active dose of the substituted tryptamine 4-HO-MiPT. The allergy test is botched, but luckily nothing bad happened to me. To avoid this, I will always use gloves when handling a water-soluble psychotropic salt.

19 years old, 71.2kg. Nonbinary, but sexually male, which I shall note for scientific purpose. I have experience with LSD, DMT, DXM, deschloroketamine, cannabis, MDMA, and methallylescaline of the hallucinogen class. This is my first time with this compound. Note: being up all night on amphetamine could have contributed to the anxiety
being up all night on amphetamine could have contributed to the anxiety
, but in some way, I feel that this has helped with the amphetamine comedown in resetting my brain.

T+00.00: The time is 09:30. I ingested 2mg deliberately as an allergy test, while accidentally absorbing approximately another 8mg. I saw it sink into my skin.

T+01.15: +1. Notice some mild music enhancement from the “allergy test” dose, which was accidentally about the threshold dose. I was glad I was not allergic to this. I took another 10mg, followed quickly by another 6mg a couple minutes later. Total about 26mg.

T+02.00: Rapidly changing effects, tactile sensations were becoming increasingly pleasurable and tingly. Ingested some cannabis extract via inhalation to combat nausea, with a good result. This mildly intensified the visuals and auditory effects, which were beginning to get stranger. There was anxiety throughout the come-up and I never quite felt comfortable due to the cognitively stoning yet physically stimulating effects and as I shall explain later, the strange auditory experiences.

T+02.45: I think this is the plateau. All sounds are perceived to be distinctly lower than they are produced by the source. I have excellent abilities as a musician and composer to retain memories of pitches in my head, so I knew instantly when there had been a change in my perception of pitch.

I began to hear every layer of music, but not in the satisfactory way of most psychedelics. This one tore the music apart, exposing every layer, instrument, vocalist, etc. and distorting the pitches of these sounds making them sometimes not in tune with each other, or just making them ugly and twangy. This chemical, while producing not much of a mental trip for me, only distorted and fucked up perfectly good music (Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Kendrick Lamar some others). Nicotine is less desired.

T+03.10: Ingested an unknown, but not particularly large dose of edible cannabis extract. My stomach was empty, and the THC was well absorbed as it had just enough of a lipid to get to where it needed to be.

T+03:40 The edible butter began to kick in, and with it came a wave of confusion, anxiety, and dissociation, but after its initial onset became easily tolerated. The visual aspect increased slightly, as did the body sensations. Constant dry mouth from this point on, leading to a slight overhydration, which was noticed because urination was frequent and colorless.

T+04.00: I was listening to Pink Floyd’s song, Money, and hearing the low pitched sounds as before, but the peak had passed and there was less of a distortion and just a general pitching down of all sound at this point. Suddenly, the pitch jumped back up to normal, and that strange effect was gone. It almost seemed as if cannabis had brought the strange distorted music back to life (it has pretty solid music appreciation on its own if tolerance is low, which mine is to edibles).

T+06.00: Residual visuals and somewhat uncomfortable sense of stimulation, but with a fog not conducive to any work.
T+06.00: Residual visuals and somewhat uncomfortable sense of stimulation, but with a fog not conducive to any work.
Ingested 6.8g Bali kratom, to calm my central nervous system down a bit so I could focus on this report. The fog is still present, but the trip’s effects have diminished due to the CNS depressant effects of kratom.

Effects Analysis

Physical Effects:
Orgasm suppression
Spontaneous Physical Sensations
Physical euphoria

Cognitive Effects:
Increased Music Appreciation
Increased libido
Cognitive Euphoria (mild)
Addiction Suppression

Visual Effects:
Increased Visual Acuity

Auditory Effects:
Distortions (strong)
Perceived Pitch Alterations

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114617
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Aug 5, 2020Views: 1,026
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4-HO-MiPT (342) : Unknown Context (20), Music Discussion (22), Combinations (3), General (1)

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