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Oral, Insufflated and Smoked
Phenibut and 4-Fluorophenibut
Citation:   PsychoticCorpse. "Oral, Insufflated and Smoked: An Experience with Phenibut and 4-Fluorophenibut (exp114618)". Erowid.org. Aug 5, 2020. erowid.org/exp/114618

    Smarts - Phenibut
Notes on Phenibut and Its Fluorinated Analog

Insufflated Phenibut: (1.5-2h duration)
I do not like this method of ingestion, as a lot of a highly acidic powder must be ingested painfully to achieve minimal effects. Onset is decreased from 1.5 hours to 15-30 minutes but is not particularly strong, not like consuming it orally.

Oral Phenibut: (10-16h duration)
Orally, this compound takes a very long time to reach its full effects, sometimes as much as five hours, and therefore it can almost go unnoticed, as the effects are relaxing, whereas other substances that take a long time to peak like LSD are more noticeable due to the radically altered perception and increased alertness. Without tolerance, doses below 1500mg produce a relaxed stimulation of sorts, and above two grams becomes more sedating. This is by far the most euphoric GABAergic substance I have encountered, even though it is less anxiolytic than benzodiazepines. This chemical is very addictive.

Smoked Phenibut: (20-45min duration)
I freebased some phenibut HCl with sodium hydroxide and washed the filtrate to create a smokable form of phenibut without any NaOH residue. This form has the fastest onset (less than five minutes) but seems to cause more headaches and unpredictable effects than the other two ROAs mentioned above. My favorite way to consume phenibut was to take some orally, and while that peaked, to smoke a bit more. This is a more dangerous way to ingest phenibut, as the doses are a bit smaller than the insufflated/oral doses, also because the freebase is less dense than the hydrochloride salt. I don't really recommend this ROA.

Insufflated 4-Fluorophenibut: (30-60min duration)
This was the best way to get nearly instant effects of any mentioned here. This chemical is about seven times as potent by weight as phenibut, so large amounts of the caustic salt were not needed to feel its effects. This ROA with 4-fluorophenibut is a bit more dangerous than with phenibut due to the increased sedation and potency, but can still be responsibly done. Effects are noted in about 2 minutes, with a duration longer than smoked phenibut but shorter than insufflated phenibut.

Oral 4-Fluorophenibut: (6-9h duration)
Lasts 6-9 hours in me, similarly anxiolytic to benzodiazepines but a bit more euphoric and less sedating. More sedating than phenibut, by far, with an onset of 20-60 minutes. This compound, being less euphoric and more sedating than phenibut, is excellent for phenibut withdrawals. I used this chemical to successfully taper after developing a phenibut addiction.

My advice is to stay away from these chemicals if you have issues with self-control and anxiety, but otherwise, it is just best to use them sparingly, as rebound anxiety from these chemicals is not fun, and the withdrawals can be psychotic and physically dangerous at high enough levels.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114618
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Aug 5, 2020Views: 2,823
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Fluorophenibut (754), Smarts - Phenibut (379) : Unknown Context (20), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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