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More Than I Bargained For
4-HO-MET & Ketamine
Citation:   Lenny H. "More Than I Bargained For: An Experience with 4-HO-MET & Ketamine (exp114658)". Aug 14, 2020.

T+ 0:00
15 mg oral 4-HO-MET (liquid)
  T+ 1:15 50 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:25 100 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
21:45 – 15mg of 4-HO-MET
23:10 to 23:30 - 150mg total Ketamine

I am very experienced with traditional psychedelics, research chemicals and ketamine, as well as party drugs. My mindset was good. I had recently received a date for being made redundant from my job but this was not worrying me too much and there is all the stuff with covid-19 but that isn’t worrying me either. My two flatmates were both away so I had the flat all to myself. Every day I take a multivitamin and omega-3 oil. No prescription medication being taken currently.


Last night I thought I would experiment with the combination of 4-HO-MET and ketamine. It has been a while since I took enough ketamine to have a k-hole experience and I was looking forward to the trip. I thought I would take some 4-HO-MET first to hopefully up the visuals whilst I was in the k-hole.
I thought I would take some 4-HO-MET first to hopefully up the visuals whilst I was in the k-hole.

Around 21:45 I took 15mg of 4-HO-MET (volumetrically dosed in a PG/VG solution of 2mg/ml). I added the liquid to some chocolate milk to mask the taste of the solution and drank it down the hatch. I thought I would grab a quick shower and wait for the effects to start kicking in. I had a quick shower and I was drying and getting dressed (around 21:55) I could already feel the effects kicking in – a lot faster then I had expected from my previous 4-HO-MET experiences. Maybe as I had only eaten an hour ago and so my stomach was already in ‘digestion mode’ I’m not sure.

I was feeling very warm (due to the warm climate and maybe the warm shower I had taken or maybe just because of the 4-HO-MET) and so I got my fan from my room and aimed it at myself as I sat in the lounge with no top on and watched some TV. I put on some relaxing nature videos on youtube and was enjoying the visuals of the nature scenery as well as the relaxing soundtrack. I was feeling a little overwhelmed by the rapid come-up but for me 4-HO-MET has a very easygoing headspace and was very easy to just focus on my breathing and listen to the relaxing music on the TV and soon I felt fine again.

I played with the cats and watched some more youtube videos until around 23:00. At one point someone rang the buzzer for the apartment (by mistake I guess looking for one of the other flats), and the harsh sound of the buzzer gave me a jolt of anxiety. I was worried I would have to go and talk to a neighbour about something but then I reasoned with myself that it probably wasn’t that important and also it had been the outside buzzer and not the flat door buzzer so it was probably just someone outside wanting to be let into the building.

I calmed down again after the buzzer incident and relaxed again, watching videos. I decided I would take my first bit of ketamine soon. I wanted to start slow as it was the first time I had tried this combination. I had set up 150mg before I took the 4-HO-MET as I always find it hard to measure out doses when I am already tripping. Around 23:00, I went into my room and snorted a few small lines of ketamine to test the waters and then went back into the lounge.

I quickly felt myself becoming a little spaced out from the ketamine, more so than I would have expected from the small amount I did. I watched some cyberpunk visuals on youtube and then after a while I turned the sound off, put my airpod headphones in and just listened to spotify with some sci-fi sounding synthwave which fitted the ket and the visuals very nicely. The colours on the screen were super bright and the patterns were looking very pretty.

Around 23:10, I felt like the effects of the ketamine seemed manageable in combination with the 4-HO-MET and I thought I would continue with the experience. I made sure the cats had enough food and water and made sure everything was fine in the flat before I went back into my room.

I put on some good music on my airpods, and put on a colour changing light in the room. Then closed the door and snorted the rest of the ketamine (maybe around 100mg). I laid down on my bed, trying to arrange my body in the recovery position so if I did throw up or anything, I wouldn’t choke
I laid down on my bed, trying to arrange my body in the recovery position so if I did throw up or anything, I wouldn’t choke
whilst I was passed out. Very quickly the k-hole effects overwhelmed me and I saw lots of neon geometric shapes spinning around.

Now this is where things start to get pretty trippy. I completely forgot that I was an English person living in Europe, and in the k-hole the only life I could remember was the one I was living currently (or so I thought) of being an Asian boy living somewhere in Asia, I think Japan as the boy went to sleep on a Tatami mat. Then as the boy (myself) went to sleep, I was having trouble understanding what was happening. There was an edge of fear to this point of the experience as I was very confused and disorientated. Every time I reached for a familiar concept to latch onto, I found myself unable to understand the significance. Some of my thought processes were as follows:

“OK, I’m a person who has taken drugs”. “What is a person? What are drugs?” I am unable to think of the answers. “This isn’t real” “What is real? What is real life?” I thought of my friends and the people I worked with but I was unable to hold onto anything concrete. Still imagining I was a Japanese boy having a nap on a tatami mat, I thought my real life friends and coworkers were just figments of a dream I was having.

For some reason, I tried to comfort myself with the thought that I had scheduled this experience in my planning calendar (it helps me to organise my days) but then I couldn’t remember what a calendar was, or what days or months were. Then I thought I’m a human and I have a human body, the body will look after itself. This was a reassuring thought and I relaxed a little and then in my head (as the Japanese boy) I woke up and looked around the room, saw the thin walls and the tatami mat and then the whole room began to shake and dissolve into colorful particles. At this point, I decided to just accept the experience. I made a conscious effort to stop resisting and just become an observer until the experience ended. I had lost all contact with reality at this point. I didn’t know who I was, where I was, what was happening but I just let it happen. The entire universe seemed to get sucked down into a single point, like a neon orange water fractal going down a plug hole in the sink.

It seems like at this point I had an ego-death like experience (which I have never had on only ketamine before) in which I realised I was connected to everything in the entire universe and everything in the universe was connected to me, we’re all part of the same whole. I’m not sure how long I was in this state but I eventually came round in my bedroom and remembered who I was and what happened and just chilled out listening to music for a few hours processing the experience before taking some melatonin to sleep.

All in all, it was a good (if also a very intense experience), it could be too intense for someone not so familiar with these substances and effects.

The day after, I have a nice after glow and feeling quite relaxed. It seems the experience might have been a metaphor for trying to accept that we all will die one day, but more reflection is needed.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114658
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Aug 14, 2020Views: 1,243
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Ketamine (31), 4-HO-MET (436) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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