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My Wonderful Dates With Mrs. White
Citation:   El Chico De Miami. "My Wonderful Dates With Mrs. White: An Experience with Tramadol (exp114665)". Nov 9, 2020.

500 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol
I would like to share my experience with a legal painkiller called Tramadol (in my country it's sold by brand name Ultracalmans or Calmador, and doesn't contain other liver damaging substances at all). I've been using it regularly for about a year already.

I asked in three pharmacies, the closest to my home told me that they didn't have it in the moment, but won't sell without a prescription. Asked in another pharmacy, they had it but didn't want to sell me either, and the third pharmacy had no problem with it at all. They realized after a while that I was using it recreationally, but even up to this day they have no problem. Sometimes they would ask me if it's okay if they would sell me the quantity I want, but without a ticket. Or from some other brand, or without a box. Or they would sell it to me but in their system they would register a purchase lower quantity, etc. I have no problem with that either. The pharmacist is a super cool dude, and his wife that works there is also super kind to me.

Here is what it feels like from my prospective when I would take a dose of 500mg of Tramadol without acetominophen or tylenol or whatever.

00:00 Take the 10 pills each containing 50mg of Tramadol.

00:30 Come back to home after work. Already feeling relaxation and warmth, but just a little. All my body aches are gone (I work as a mechanic, by the way, Tramadol never bothered me at job. I take it 2 or 3 times a week. On Friday and weekends only).

01:00 This is when the effect kick in almost fully. It's a nice feeling of warmth, relaxation. My breathing slows down a lot, as well as my heartbeat, and I can feel that. But no problem at all. Nothing dangerous. Feeling very strong euphoria. Both mental and physical.

01:30 100% feeling it. Drinking fizzy water because this opiate gives a lot of thirst, and it helps relieve the nausea feeling. My body is completely numb. Can't feel the taste of anything. Or smell. Or when I touch objects. Can't easily tell what material is something made of.

02:00 Don't feel so dizzy anymore. Can't pee or do the second thing even if I try. Feel a lot more energized. Breathing and heartbeat slowed down even more. I decided to clean my house, check my email, clean my computer, study languages, and then call my friends and family and tell them how important they are to me. And ask if they need any help. More euphoric.

02:00-07:00 This feeling persists for about 5 hours I would say. It would slowly slowly go away, but it's a very long lasting opiate. It lasts total of about 12 hours. If I took it before sleep, I would not be able to sleep at all.

The next day, there is no hangover, almost. Just a slight headache because of serotonin and lack of good quality sleep, but plenty of water and an aspirin will cure that in less than an hour. As a man, I noticed that I can't get an erection while on that drug, and it lowers my libido, but it's not a bad thing. It makes me appreciate people around me. With this drug, I forgive all the bad things people have done to me, become more friendly, and things like that. It won't make me do crazy things like cocaine. And it's not so addictive physically, it is psychologically, though.

It's a nice drug that enhances all my abilities, it makes job more interesting, hobbies more interesting, music more interesting, and doesn't cause that bad hangover. Also, the tolerance grows very fast, but if stop taking this for a week, my tolerance will be nonexistent.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114665
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Nov 9, 2020Views: 2,514
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