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Beam of Light
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   No one. "Beam of Light: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp114713)". Sep 19, 2020.

1 hit oral LSD
    repeated smoked Cannabis
Back story: had been taking 2 tabs each weekend for the past 3 weeks and had expirimented with other drugs such as cocaine, ketamine, and xannax in-between my weekend trips. My friend had died 2 months back and I fell back into my drinking and had a lot going on with moving into an RV and felt like I was drowning with depression. I had problems with my friends and significant others after living in my buddy's driveway watching all this anger and hatred unfold during these uncertain times.

After administration:
I rode up a mountain with my girlfriend to my friends house where we normally party, drink, smoke weed, and stay up all night and it wasn't really my girlfriend's thing. After an hour or 2 I started feeling what I usually expect from acid when I take it. Colors and textures warping and changing, layers in those textures separating and changing depth. Smoked some weed ate some apples off a crossbred pear tree and had troubles swallowing the juicy yet dry pear. Sat down to watch some SpongeBob and while watching the TV the characters started to look like they were underwater even more so than they already were. Their faces and bodies stretched and moved as if looking into a pond. My friends started to get tired so we drove back to the RV and stopped at a view point looking over the town below in the valley.

I had been really into looking at the stars the past few times I had taken LSD, they'll twinkle and dance and I could almost make out old Greek astrology constellations as pictures with the glowing dots in the sky. Sometimes looking at the night sky almost looked like I was in some sort of terrarium or fish bowl with the ceiling made out of hexagons. One of my favorite stars that almost doesnt move always got my attention (visible from the Pacific Northwest in the United States between summer and autumn). Looking straight up into the sky was a bright blue star that glowed as bright as the moon and almost looked as if it was splitting into 2 different colored layers, like watching an old 3d movie without glasses. It got cold after the wind had picked up and I could hear some sort of voice in the rolling gusts on the mountain top. My body almost vibrates as though I'm having a small seizure when I do acid but it's nothing uncomfortable until I get too cold and start vibrating too hard. After warming up on the ride back I stuck my head out the window and felt the wind blow my hot face and it felt as if I could see stars appearing in the darkness and trees on the sides of the road with the road lines turning into Tron streams.

When I got home I layed in bed with my girlfriend and do what I almost always do when I trip. Watch King of The Hill. It felt a little too same old and this tab of acid was really starting to hit me, more so than the 3 weekends prior where I had done twice as much. I climbed on top of my RV and looked towards the industrial district of my town and heard all the machines and horns with the pitch getting warped the longer I heard it. I smoked some weed, lied down on my back and looked into the sky. I felt as though I was seeing galaxies away farther than any telescope I've looked through. The stars started making small tracers and changing colors at the front of the stream and my spine started vibrating. I started to think about existence and came up with the theory that the big explosion (being the big bang) had happened and time is slowed down with all these small chemical reactions being the stars, planets and things that happen on earth are all linked to this explosion. The vibrations in my spine feeling as though I was feeling the explosion more so than my sober mind. I sat cross legged and closed my eyes and I felt as though I was being showed and explained why the pyramids existed. I felt as though my body was shaped in a pyramid the way I was sitting and I could feel a sensation in my spine moving up slowly from my tail bone towards my head
I could feel a sensation in my spine moving up slowly from my tail bone towards my head
with a droning sound in my ear that got higher pitched as it migrated. As I thought more about ancient religions and their ways of explaining consciousness I felt as though cores in my spine were releasing as the feeling traveled up. While I had my eyes closed I felt I could see myself sitting on the roof of my RV with these colors traveling up my back and when it had reached my head it felt as though I projected a beam of light out of the top of me and I was able to see something in the sky looking back at me.

After a few seconds the high pitched droning almost evened out and the vibrations in my back stopped which I had never felt before. I was still just as high but it felt as though I had tuned in my spinal vibrating to not be so noticible. I smoked a little more weed in attempt to recreate what had happened and I still had the same vibrating feeling and visuals, nothing had changed. I climbed off the roof and went inside and sat in the cockpit and watched some Xavier renegade angel. I started thinking about my friend that died and everything that had been going on in the past month. I came to the realization what I had been doing and how I had been behaving and decided to change myself.

My way of thinking had changed for the better and I have a different feeling looking up into the night sky and hope for a similar experience next time I trip.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114713
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Sep 19, 2020Views: 671
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LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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