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Succubus Activity and More
2C-B, Nitrous Oxide & Cannabis
Citation:   Fused Couchman. "Succubus Activity and More: An Experience with 2C-B, Nitrous Oxide & Cannabis (exp114759)". Oct 19, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral 2C-B
  T+ 1:15 1 tablet oral 2C-B
  T+ 0:00   repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis
Succubus Activity and More During Amazing Trip

Two yellow batmans of supposedly 15mg 2CB each, one joint, and a bunch of balloons. This was to be my first experience of (pretty much) plain 2cb. I’d only done it on an xtc comedown once. I have good experience with shrooms, xtc, nitrous, weed, salvia, and some other substances.

I took one of the batmans and waited. Did some balloons to calm my nerves for the come up. After about an hour I started feeling it but it was quite mild. I waited some more, danced a bit, and stared a bit. After an hour and 15 minutes, I decided to take a second one. I did some balloons of nitrous, that greatly increased my visuals from almost nothing to moving quite a lot. I was staring at this beautiful nature poster that I have on my wall and it totally came alive. It’s a canvas poster with two wooden rods on the top and bottom you can use to roll it up. The water was moving just like actual water and the reeds were waving in the wind.

The effects slightly increased during the hour after I took the second one, which made me a little worried about how strong and long the entire trip was going to be after the second one hit. Well yeah, around 12/12:30 I was peaking pretty hard. I can’t quite put my finger on how it’s different from shrooms, but it definitely is. I was less confused than on shrooms, but still pretty spaced out. The visuals feel like they’re more intricate and less natural but so fucking beautiful, wow. The embedded geometry was made up of gigantic-feeling circular planes that project beautifully layered mandalas.

My time peaking was mostly spent looking at the nature poster and my popcorn ceiling and occasionally doing a balloon. The first of some very notable experiences during balloons was pretty mind-blowing. As a tripping enthusiast, I was pleasantly surprised to experience something I’d never experienced before. I took the balloon in and held it in. Holding my breath felt a bit wrong while tripping and I could only do about 20 seconds of it, but that was enough to get me tripping hard. After about 5 seconds, I saw the darkness of the wooden rods, which are darker than anything on the poster or around it, increase. The contrast of everything dramatically increased until the rods were almost black. And then, boom. All the colors of my vision inverted instantly. Everything that was white turned black and vice versa. I panicked for half a second but then I decided that it was okay so I stared in awe until it instantly reverted again a few seconds later. Fucking trippy, man! During other balloons, The nature poster was changed into a sort of insanely decorated stage and I was at this massive rave. Cool stuff!

When I felt like the visuals had decreased to a more comfortable level, I decided to go outside and take a joint with me. It was drizzling a little outside but the weather was pretty nice otherwise. I walked through my beautiful, medieval street towards a little park. I sat on a wall for some time and noticed that the visuals were still coming back in waves. I had thought the effects were decreasing but they weren’t. I sat and listened to my trippy playlist as I watched the Dutch canal sights from a wall in a park. The grass underneath me was doing all kinds of crazy tricks. There were quite a lot of people moving by, about once a minute, but it didn’t bother me that much. I was a little bit worried about how long this was gonna last. It was about 1 PM at this point. I decided to light the joint, despite reading that you should be very careful about the combination since it may greatly increase and prolong the trip.

Sitting there with my joint made me a bit nervous, as there were old people and dogs walking past me, so I decided to start walking. I walked through the park, over a bridge to another park where there were fewer people. As I walked, a dog suddenly bumped my hand with its nose while running past me, which spooked me a little but not too badly. The music was really vibing me up at this point, as I’d finished half the joint. I walked some more, through an area with new buildings, which felt a bit weird. I finished the joint and I started my way back, which was about 5 more minutes.

During my way back, I had two crazy revelations as I was thinking a lot. I was able to imagine how one could move through time to do over a moment in time. You just had to loop back, and I could finally see the direction in which that would be possible. Well, it seemed logical, but my sober brain has trouble visualizing it. I also had the realization that every single thing is crafted from language. Every thing, every situation, every rule exists because it is described using language. In a more universal sense, everything is created by the expression of language, but by expressing a certain state of matter. I felt as though I experienced how string theory works, but the spiritual and practical side of the theory. As if every concept is just a combination of symbols which is expressed, just like how any aspect of your body and mind is an expression of symbols in your DNA if that makes any sense. Great thinking session! The music (Giraffage, Chrome Sparks, Pascäal) really helped because of the kind of random sounds and trippy tones that are in there, it felt like the little sounds were are expressing a part of reality. Anyway, I’m rambling.

When I got home, I could see what they meant about being careful with weed, because the moving visuals were back in full swing. I started to get a little more worried now, but I managed to keep calm as I felt like the duration wouldn’t really matter as long as I was having fun.

I decided to do a balloon again in this newfound dimension of the trip. My body felt very pleasant, and I could take on any position on my couch, it was all comfortable. So I lay down with my face pointed at the nature poster behind the couch and my legs sort of spread open in a chill position. What happened next was the second time that I’d experienced something totally unique. It was also a little bit scary but overall cool.

As I took in the nitrous, the same thing with the increasing contrast started happening, but it didn’t get to the inverted colors stage. I started breathing again and that’s when I started to feel a presence. I could see the contours of a classic satan-like depiction, only female. You know, the big, muscular red figure with horns and a scary face. Only I saw her as if her contour curved space-time. As if she pressed herself through a transparent film. I could see the face in anything I looked at, as my vision was just sort of interpreted as that face. The entity felt quite big, sensual, and a little angry. This is gonna sound really weird, but it felt like the entity was engaging in some sort of sexual activity with me. I felt an intensely comfortable warm feeling wash over me as if I was being touched. Of course, the nitrous faded just in time but I felt like the entity was about to go all the way, so to say. I was just mind-blown. Never had I experienced such a vivid hallucination of an entity. It was fucking amazing, holy shit.

The embedded geometry was activated a bit more after that balloon, so I spent some more time staring at my ceiling and the poster. I felt pretty sober in my mind, so I played some trippy games and did some more dancing. Then I felt like another balloon so I loaded it up and lay down again. I put 2 charges into a big balloon and took the first hit.

That’s when I felt the door that leads to the pavement open and a breeze come in and someone say ‘Oh! Oops’. I jumped up off the couch to see someone through the thin white curtain quickly close the door again. I could see two silhouettes on the pavement, who I recognized as my drugs-ignorant brother in law and his girlfriend. I exclaimed ‘Oh no, oh no!’ as I contemplated what to do next. I felt my embarrassment and theirs flow together, as they probably don’t want to run into me doing weird shit and I do not want them to ever see me do anything drug-related. There I was, with a big balloon in my hand, laying on the couch. My life is pretty much over now, I thought.

Then I looked back at the door and saw that they’d disappeared. I collected my thoughts and realized that that door can’t even fucking open from the outside and no one could have seen me lay there through the curtains. Holy fuck that was intense. I just seriously hallucinated something concrete happening to me. I laughed it off when I calmed down. So silly. Last time on shrooms when I did I a balloon, I hallucinated that the room sort of imploded on me. That was the first time I really hallucinated something real. Tripping balls and nitrous can do some whacky stuff. Wow.

At this point, I was pretty shaken from what just happened and I didn’t want to do any more balloons. I cleaned up the room, got rid of all the chargers and whatnot, and went on to watch a show on Netflix to just chill for a bit. Then the effects wore out within an acceptable timeframe. In conclusion: 2CB is fucking amazing! I think I like this more than shrooms. I would rate this trip a solid 8/10. Good times!

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114759
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Oct 19, 2020Views: 903
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2C-B (52), Nitrous Oxide (40) : Glowing Experiences (4), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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