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Psychedelic Playground in My Dreams
Trazodone & Dreaming
Citation:   RamblingRon. "Psychedelic Playground in My Dreams: An Experience with Trazodone & Dreaming (exp114801)". Sep 29, 2020.

150 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (daily)
  150 mg oral Pharms - Trazodone  
This is hardly the first time I’ve used trazadone, but it’s certainly the most memorable. I’ve used trazadone in doses from 50-450 for various reasons for years, primarily sleep, the body “high” at high dosages, and of course, the vivid and interesting dreams. I never used it regularly at all, only occasionally getting extra pills from friends who use it similarly to myself. This experience is certainly the best I’ve had. I came into this quite hungover from a weekend of binge drinking and amphetamine abuse, and the only other medication I was on was 150mg of bupoprion. I took 150mg, a normal dose for sleep for me. Took me about 2 hours to fall asleep after taking it, which is a little long. My body was decently heavy by the time I did.

I love dreams, whether they come from prazosin, trazodone, melatonin, or my favorite the weeks after quitting heavy marijuana use. I actively try to remember and process my dreams, sometimes writing them down.
I actively try to remember and process my dreams, sometimes writing them down.
The dream I will describe was not the only dream I had that night, but the only other thing I can remember was sending a text to a girl I was talking to right before bed. In my dream I sent something fairly vulgar, and when I awoke I checked my phone, mostly sure I had actually sent it, but thankfully it was just an incredibly real dream. This is what’s great about trazadone, when I awake it really seems as a memory rather than a dream, which is why I loved this experience.

I was in a school, in one classroom the entire time. It was empty except for a bed at the back of the room, pressed up against the windows. Initially I was completely alone. An odorless, colorless gas came upon me quickly and I immediately went from standing and fine to falling onto the bed, near paralyzed, as I began to trip absolute balls. (Note, I have used many psychedelics extensively, but nothing within the past month at least) Two people came into the room, one a man who immediately accosted me for being in the building, explaining there was a treatment being done and no one was meant to be in the school. The fact that they were unaffected makes no sense now, but I didn’t take note at the time. I was barely able to eek out words, I felt almost exactly as if I was in sleep paralysis, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I was muttering out words in my sleep. He opened the window, directing me to take breaths of clean air in order to mitigate the effects. Note, despite the paralysis, I was almost completely calm and clear headed, a sobriety that followed me throughout the trip. This is strange, in sleep paralysis I am absolutely in horror and panicky as hell. There was no real psychedelic headspace except for a glow and sense of wonder, understandable for the incredible hallucinations I was experiencing.

For what I would say felt to be about an hour, I rotated taking breaths of clean air and the air inside the building, allowing me to have the strongest visuals I have ever had, while avoiding the uncomfortable paralysis. My vision was constantly exploding in color, deep and gorgeous purples mostly, although yellows, oranges and blues were present. The colors morphed and warped, growing and shrinking in intensity. When I switched my attention to the scene outside the window, these peripheral colors mostly subsided but I was still seeing incredible things. The setting outside was a modern but small city, with a massive silver building with windows that moved all sorts of directions, melting away and reappearing. The melting could be comparable to decently high doses of LSD, but the experience as a whole I would describe more as a combination of LSD and 2c-b, although absolutely surpassing it. This is especially true as the 2c-b effect of an entire pattern shifting across the surface of reality was present. Next to the building was a massive, dense silver forest which warped and grew and shrank, changing colors as well. I watched in awe, again taking it in as if it was all completely real. I can’t fully put into words everything I saw, but the other baffling thing that occured, and I’ve never had this happen in any type of dream, is that my vision would randomly turn completely black for seconds. This happened many times and each time it was like a switch, immediately going completely black and then completely clear, no haze. There may have been an impossibly thin blue line in the middle of this endlessly deep blackness, but I can’t be sure. Again, I was never alarmed by this, just completely calm and accepting. The end was a bit fuzzy, fittingly I believe the man was offering me whisky and beer (not what I drink) which I’m sure I accepted.

I do not usually experience a hangover, but I must admit I was very, very tired all day after sleeping for 10 hours - I usually get 7.

Dreams are truly fascinating to me, and as a drug enthusiast, they can sometimes provide the most impressive “highs”, at no cost to your brain or health. I would love to return to this psychedelic playground.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114801
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Sep 29, 2020Views: 3,099
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