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Drifting Into The Dream
by semo
Citation:   semo. "Drifting Into The Dream: An Experience with Melatonin (exp114841)". Oct 15, 2020.

5 mg oral Melatonin
My neurologist gave me a melatonin prescription to help me deal with my anxiety and severe depersonalization attacks before sleep. I didn't mix it up with anything else. I've taken the medicine mostly with half empty stomach at around 5-6 AM (I have been told to take it in the evenings but still struggling with my sleep schedule so I had to take them late).

The medication itself didn't cause any sleepy or drowsy effects on me. But whenever I try to sleep after I've taken the medication I started to have a falling like feeling on my body. Every single time I try to sleep I was fully aware of that brief moment where you start to loose consciousness and drift into the sleep. For some reason I get scared and I wake myself up from that slow drifting which makes it a bit hard to fall asleep. I get most vivid dreams ever. I was aware of that I was sleeping I could feel my body on the bed snoring like hell but at the same time, something was pulling me into the dream and I slowly loose awareness of my body. It's not like lucid experience, more like being aware of falling asleep and watching my dreams on the tv with my eyes closed. Closest thing to this feeling is anesthesia my brain shuts down slowly, I am aware of that I am going low and deep but keep waking up mid dream and falling asleep again continue on the same dream.

It's not a huge mind blowing thing but it's safe, chill and makes dreaming sessions more interesting. Also best thing about it is that I don't feel drowsy, irritated, out of mood when I wake up. I think it could be great with some indica before the sleep.

Thing I didn't like about this medication it didn't help me with my anxiety, hallucinations in the dark or depersonalization but it made going to sleep a bit more easier at least I have something else to think about while lying in bed and keep my mind busy.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114841
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Oct 15, 2020Views: 1,081
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Melatonin (94) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Medical Use (47), Alone (16)

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