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Great Relaxer & Warmth
by aura
Citation:   aura. "Great Relaxer & Warmth: An Experience with Hydroxyzine (exp114902)". May 18, 2023.

100 mg oral Hydroxyzine (blotter / tab)
I ended up getting prescribed these for my anxiety. I have pretty bad anxiety, specifically when I'm trying to go to sleep because I have nothing to take my mind off of the thoughts.

Anyways, I was really anxious one night. I have 25mg tabs, small and white. I took 4 of them. This was when I was starting to build a slight tolerance to taking 25mg per night.

10-20 minutes in, I was just playing on my PC until I get drop dead tired like I normally do and I was already feeling a bit sleepy/bored.

30 minutes in is where I felt really really tired so I went to go lie down.

After laying down for a few minutes I doze off and feel just a crazy warmth through my body. My whole body just felt so perfectly warm.
I doze off and feel just a crazy warmth through my body. My whole body just felt so perfectly warm.

I woke up a few times throughout the 4-5 hour nap, and every time I woke up I always felt so warm and comfortable that I ended up going straight back to sleep.

I will admit though, I have never had this experience again. I've tried taking the same amount, and it was just the usual, get tired, lay down, fall asleep. There hasn't been any super warm feeling since. Not exactly sure what caused it.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114902
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: May 18, 2023Views: 1,459
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Hydroxyzine (570) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Alone (16)

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