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Kinda Disappointed
Tobacco - Cigarettes
Citation:   chihiro. "Kinda Disappointed: An Experience with Tobacco - Cigarettes (exp114937)". Dec 2, 2020.

1/2 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
I had a day to myself, and I was getting pretty bored. So I decided to smoke a cig my friend gave me the last time he was over. My only previous experience with nicotine was a singular JUUL hit a couple years ago.

Unfortunately, the cigarette broke in half in my pocket, so the dose I took was much lower than intended. I finally managed to light it, and inhaled. The taste and smell was immediately awful, I can't imagine how people manage to smoke these things everyday. It somehow tasted both unsettlingly chemical and strangely dirt-like at the same time.
It somehow tasted both unsettlingly chemical and strangely dirt-like at the same time.
Like I could TASTE the cancer. As expected, inhaling the nasty stuff made me sputter and cough. I didn't feel anything right away. I finished smoking it, put it out, threw the butt away (I may be a junkie, but god damnit I'm not a litterbug) and walked home.

About two minutes later, I got a very mild head rush and sense of dizziness. It was somewhat enjoyable. The rush lasted about thirty seconds before permanently leaving. About an hour later as I'm writing this, I have a headache and a shitty taste in my mouth. The stench of smoke is all over me. I have the feeling that even if I dosed properly, I wouldn't enjoy a second experience with cigarettes. I much prefer flavored vape. 0/10 comeup, 4/10 high, 0/10 comedown. Overall a 2/10, would not recommend.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114937
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Dec 2, 2020Views: 723
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