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Exceeded My Expectations
Citation:   RakerBandej. "Exceeded My Expectations: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp114969)". Jun 3, 2021.

5 g smoked Nutmeg
    oral Nutmeg
I was talking with a friend one day about nutmeg, the festive spice, and how it is used as recreational high, also capable of inducing hallucinations. He was telling about one of his friends was consuming it regularly for almost a week, and how he began to hallucinate. For instance he apparently saw his parents dead in front of him at school, so I kept this mind and later found myself intrigued by how such a common ingredient could be a possible means of getting high, so I had to test it myself. I checked the pantry to see if we had any, and sure enough we did. It was a small glass container and was about 4/5 full, which I thought would be enough, so I took I took it into my room. I rolled about 5 grams or idk into a fat ass smoke where I would spend the next 5 minutes regularly puffing the nutmeg cigarette. It was definitely not pleasant to smoke. It didn't burn well and felt terribly dry in the throat. I waited it out and nothing happened. There were no noticeable effects, so I decided to eat the rest, which was much worse than smoking. It was like eating sand, and it couldn't be stirred into any liquid. Eventually after a painstakingly long time of forcing this shit down my throat I managed to complete it all. However nothing ended up happening that night, so I gave up and went to sleep. The next morning when I woke up I was more tired than usual, but I brushed it off, that was until I looked into the mirror. My eyes were unusually red. They're usually red when I get up, but I never look stoned, which I later realized I was... I was in fact high on nutmeg. It was like being drunk and stoned at the same time. My thought process was that of a drunk person, my coordination was pretty bad, it was difficult to maintain balance, my body felt as though it was swaying, but unfortunately I didn't hallucinate my parents dead in front of me. I was in this state all day, from when I woke up to when I went to sleep. It did start to mellow down as the day went past, but I was still high at the end of it. In conclusion it's like being stoned and drunk at the same time, and it lasted all day. I'm not sure what got me high, whether it was smoking it or eating it, but I tried only eating later with absolutely no side effects.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114969
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jun 3, 2021Views: 1,039
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