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Plugging Into the Mycelial Network
DXM Polistirex, Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis
Citation:   redpugabem. "Plugging Into the Mycelial Network: An Experience with DXM Polistirex, Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis (exp114989)". Sep 4, 2023.

T+ 0:00
888 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 0:15   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00 1 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (dried)
  T+ 0:00 Repeated smoked Cannabis  
Last night, I consumed 888mg DXM Polistirex, roughly 1-1.5 grams of psilocybin cubensis, and cannabis in the form of a bong, a joint, and dabs.

I only purchased the DXM Polistirex because there was no hydrobromide in stock at my local pharmacy. In general, I prefer the hydrobromide experience as it is easier to keep track of. There’s no silly 8-12 hour time frame to guess around; that is, my experiences show that hydrobromide produces experiences with much more consistent durations.

I have taken this specific batch of cubensis before and it seems to be exacerbated by cannabis in my particular case. I found myself with a completely free day on a week-long vacation from my day to day life. In terms of set and setting, I have been feeling well recently. I completed several large tasks in my life that have brought me a sense of accomplishment. For the setting, I had my house with my two cats.

I decided to dose. I made myself a balanced meal before this experience. Not too large to the point where I would feel nausea from the DXM, but enough to propel me through the mushrooms without feeling woozy. I dosed roughly 1 hour and 50 minutes after I ate this meal, at 7:30 PM. I wanted to make sure that I had an easy time to work off of mentally in my state of inebriation. I chugged a 5-ounce orange-flavored bottle and washed it down with an apricot La Croix. Using similar flavored water to wash down the syrup worked pretty well, surprisingly.

I decide to smoke a small bowl 15 minutes after I consume the syrup. In moments, I am already finding myself relaxed. A bit disconnected. I tend to be overly sensitive towards my bodily sensations, so it was entirely possible I was experiencing placebo effects from the DXM, but I am unsure. The feeling doesn’t really build at all over the course of 30 minutes, though. My thoughts actually drift to doubt.

There’s no reason for me to feel anything so soon, I thought. I waited some more and put on music. Around 50 minutes into the experience, I feel my muscles start to loosen in my limbs. I feel an overall sense of peace. This feeling fades a bit, then all at once when I realize I have some mushrooms I could eat too. I wanted to eat a small amount to increase the psychedelia of my dissociative experience, but when I actually held them in my hands, I felt anxious. I didn’t want to unnecessarily intensify my night and bring the potential of anxiety, or a bad trip, or a hypoglycemic episode (or all three). However, I knew that any blood sugar nonsense was probably in part mental, and otherwise could be resolved through eating. I had food, after all.

After maybe 20 minutes of contemplation, I decided to eat about one half of a container of mushrooms I had. The quantity of mushrooms in the container totaled roughly 2 grams when using a makeshift scale, so it’s sort of unknown to me how much I ate. It is entirely possible that I consumed 0.8 grams or something lower.

I had put on a Joe Rogan episode with Duncan Trussell on my TV. I had a joint as well that I started smoking after I ate the mushrooms. In retrospect, I don’t know why I put on that particular episode because I don’t even really listen to Joe Rogan that much. But it was something sort of stupid, sort of intellectual, really blazed, and really lengthy. Great background material, I thought.

The joint is lit, and I begin smoking it, sort of confused as to whether or not I am inhaling anything. This confusion subsides as I begin to feel the effects of the DXM. I feel like I am in a fishbowl, or perhaps as if my upper spine was lubricated. My head swivels with great fluidity and ease. I put down the joint about one-third of the way through.

As I am looking around, I notice that it’s really hard to focus on anything. I don’t have double vision, but it was like my visual processing was completely shot. Patterns vaguely moved and rippled on my couch, and colors were brighter, but my brain could not process visual information for very long without giving out like a muscle does when it is fatigued.

At roughly 9:00, I could not make sense of time. I did not know when I ate the mushrooms. I just sort of guessed they were kicking in because I was feeling giddy and a bit nonsensical in my headspace. I recall watching the podcast and laughing out loud at moments, and commenting out loud the phrases “what?” and “haha what the fuck.”

At about 9:10, maybe, I feel really, really giddy. Too giddy. I sometimes get this feeling on DXM, where I get shaky, like I am uncontrollably excited for something. After a moment or two, it halts, and I feel sedated. I feel woozy in a concerning way and I grab a Tiger Milk bar next to me with great labor. I struggle to get it open while fighting my heavy eyelids, but I manage to take a bite and begin swishing this chunk of chocolate paste around in my anesthetized mouth. I can hardly feel my tongue, but I begin to chew it. I realize that I should wash it down with water to help get this into my stomach before I pass out, so I begin trying to homogenize apricot La Croix with this paste. It works, even though it does not feel good at all to eat. I take another labored bite, then one more, before I have to stop and let everything settle in my stomach. As soon as I leaned back after eating, I felt noticeably better.

After maybe only 2 or 3 minutes, my face feels flushed and my skin gets hot. This is the feeling I get before I throw up. If I do not overcome it by sitting still, I am sent to the toilet bowl. It doesn’t take long for me to realize that in my current situation, it would be best if I go to the bathroom anyway. I flop down on the tiled floor, the room spinning and flashing brightly, and I begin to breathe deeply… In through my nose, out through my mouth...

All of a sudden, I just snap out of it. I look around, say “what?” and stand up, and walk back out to my couch. Incredibly, my breathwork brought me out of my nausea and panic. I instantly begin to feel better. In fact, I felt great after I sat back down. I grinned wide and thought, wow, that was so strange. I felt victory and euphoria. I tried to put the podcast back on but I couldn’t really follow the conversation very well so I decided to put on Midnight Gospel on Netflix. It had better visuals and it was geared towards my state of mind.

As I watch the episode, I see Clancy (the main character) attempt to fix his universe simulator. I think back on a previous LSD experience where I began to unravel the fabric of reality and I got into a state of faux-enlightenment where I felt like I could control the universe and I felt the true essence of life and its interconnectedness. It was a more solipsistic take on the usual group consciousness thing. Nonetheless, this was an important experience for me because the lasting memory of that pure joy of feeling like I became one with reality has brought me great comfort and happiness in my existence. It was therapeutic in many ways to my self-image.

The episode was fantastic. As the next one started, I took a dab. As I inhaled, I could feel pressure build in my head. It was instantaneous. Once I put the rig down on the counter, I could hardly focus on walking back to the couch. I saw Clancy interview Death, which was a bit spooky but it tried to be a more honest take on death, which I could appreciate. However, I still did not like the idea of death or bad thoughts in my current state of confusion, as I began to really feel incredibly high. The DXM was kicking in so strongly, and with the dab I just smoked, I felt so astronomically blitzed. I suddenly wanted to play a video game, so I put on Dark Souls.

This was a short-lived moment of the night, as I didn’t even make it through the starting area because I couldn’t focus enough on my character’s movement. I closed the game and pirated the last two episodes of The Eric Andre Show: Season 5. I figured this was as good of a time as ever to watch pure chaos, as my brain felt like an eternal sea of swirling powered toasters, electrocuting and crashing into each other. I put the first episode on. I can’t even bear to recall what happened during the episode, but I regularly heard myself say “what?” and I found myself feeling the full scope of the show’s intensity. This felt like the climax of the entire show. I put the second episode on, sort of apprehensive about what could happen. I was smoking the rest of the joint as I watched. I don’t remember what happened in this episode at all, but I do remember feeling like I had just astral projected my soul into a tornado.

My memory fades a bit here, but I do remember thinking that I felt brain dead in a sort of unpleasant way. I felt unpleasantly high, as the synergy between the mushrooms and the DXM was too intense in that it made my head feel like it was 500 feet below the surface of an ocean. Immense pressure, especially around my jaw, eyes, temples, and temporalis muscles. I also felt like my eyes were being pried open by these substances -- I totally felt “bug-eyed”. Very intense pupil dilation. I sort of dicked around for a bit before I decided to take another dab and try to go to bed. It was about 11:45 when I finally went up to lay down.

As I laid down, I noticed that I began to have somewhat intense visuals. This is likely from being in a much darker environment. It looked like my ceiling fan moved towards and away from me. When I picked up my phone to check the time, my vision was enveloped in a white cloud of bright (albeit faint) psychedelic patterns. It was 11:50.

It’s hard to recall where my mind was at for the two minutes that followed, but it felt like a good 20 minutes. I was astounded to see the time was 11:52 after I had spent so long watching patterns form under my eyelids. I got up and took a bong hit of some indica-dominant cannabis. As soon as I laid back down, I felt a cherubic, strange sense of comfort enveloping my body. I laid on my side with my hands together and my legs bent as I sunk deeper into my own mind. I was trying to go to sleep, initially, so I was closing my eyes and trying to relax my mind.

I think that I began to meditate. It started to feel like I was entering a different dimension. I felt like I was part of some crazy VR game where I was a god in its own personal reality where it had total control and power over the creation of universes, planets, dimensions, et cetera. It was like I entered the infinite wisdom of Earth’s mycelial network. I became an organic computer, an entity fully aware of its place in the biological universe. I kept repeating the thought “I am hanging in the balance of life” over and over again. It became a sort of transcendental mantra my mind’s eye could chant as I explored infinite planes of existence
I entered the infinite wisdom of Earth’s mycelial network. I became an organic computer, an entity fully aware of its place in the biological universe. I kept repeating the thought “I am hanging in the balance of life” over and over again. It became a sort of transcendental mantra my mind’s eye could chant as I explored infinite planes of existence
within my brain. I didn’t get the sense that I was existing externally, but it was like I had dissociated from my corporeal husk and transcended at the same time towards the mushrooms I had eaten. I grew them myself, so I felt a sense of unity and interconnectedness with their existence. They hung in the balance of my life.

I cannot visually describe much of this. I don’t even know when my eyes were open during this, either, as the DXM was peaking during this time. I felt fully anesthetized, my body was numb and moving was difficult. Only bits and pieces of the visuals I can remember. I recall at some point I had entered a moonlit beach with hundreds of white statues and white rocks decorating the beige sand which extended behind me. I felt like I was meeting an energy or an entity of some kind in this place, and it felt like I had specifically traveled somewhere.

At another point, I began to fly through a non-euclidean world of vegetation, where the planet's surface would curve upwards like in Inception. I saw fields, jungles, mountains, oceans. Many different species of plants, animals too, though they more resembled plants that had animal features. At one point my eyes were open and I began to see this green cloud of energy grow and wash down on my vision, like a chain of nutrients being passed through xylem to feed my cells. I felt more plantlike in essence, or perhaps I simply felt less like an animal. I wouldn’t say that I felt particularly fungal in nature, but I certainly felt some association between myself, the human representative of plants, and the fungi that have assisted my corporeal self in reconnecting with my appreciation for nature and all of its gifts.

I felt truly lucky and blessed to be alive and to be part of this world with all of the other living creatures with which we cohabitate. During this time in which I was in this headspace, I felt that I was having a profound spiritual experience. I didn’t dare move or alter myself in any way. I think I meditated completely motionless for a good hour. I did end up realizing that I wasn’t becoming more tired in any noticeable fashion. I don’t recall ever falling asleep, but I just sort of continually felt layers of darkness wash over me until I opened my eyes at 5:50 AM, suddenly able to move around. I must have gotten past the majority of the effects of the DXM and psilocybin, I thought. That is, until I got up to take a bong hit so I could fall back asleep.

I still was noticeably impaired from the DXM. My eyes were still very dilated, and I had trouble moving with coordination. I took the bong hit, went back to bed, and suddenly saw the green energy again. It washed over my vision for a few minutes before I suddenly had a closed-eye vision of myself climbing an infinitely tall tree. It was incredibly vivid, and I could feel my ears start to ring as I focused on the thought. I thought about something else, and my hearing returned to normal, but I still had trouble going back to bed. I slept for another 2 or 3 hours before I got back up to eat.

It is 2:12 PM the next day, as of writing this. I feel a noticeable afterglow from the DXM, almost in an unpleasant way. More of a hangover. It was sort of a taxing sense of dissociation. Overall, I feel good. Perhaps not refreshed in the conventional sense Mentally, I feel at peace with myself and with my environment.

Update, exactly 45 hours since first ingesting the DXM: I woke up early today to harvest a monotub of mushrooms. After that, I cleaned and spent some time with my pets outside. I have had a really great day so far and I feel completely at ease and happy. Being outside seems to make me feel even better. I feel connected to the world around me, for once.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114989
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 4, 2023Views: 207
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DXM (22), Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66), Cannabis (1), Meditation (128) : General (1), Combinations (3), Health Problems (27), Glowing Experiences (4), Mystical Experiences (9), Nature / Outdoors (23), Hangover / Days After (46), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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