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Teleporting Into the Dreams
Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue, Arundo donax & Mimosa tenuiflora)
by semo
Citation:   semo. "Teleporting Into the Dreams: An Experience with Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue, Arundo donax & Mimosa tenuiflora) (exp114990)". Jan 25, 2021.

T+ 0:00
10 g oral Arundo donax (tea)
  T+ 0:00 5 g oral Syrian Rue (tea)
  T+ 0:00 5 g oral Mimosa tenuiflora (tea)
  T+ 1:00 3 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam  
  T+ 2:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 7:30   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 8:30 2 mg oral Pharms - Diazepam  
This was my first time taking this divine drink.

I grinded the syrian rue seeds and put the rest of the stuff together and boiled them for about and hour it became thick and color was yellow brownish and it tasted awful. I chug the first glass at once with blocking my nose because it tastes like shit. Waited for an hour or so but nothing happened just a bit drowsiness.

So I decided to take another glass. And had 3 mg of Xanax. It has been half an hour but I wasn't feeling any effects except slightly blur and shadowy lines behind the objects. I went into the DMT nexus asked why it wasn't working I thought I made the tea wrong way. Then 2.5 hour after ingesting it hit me like a train.

Time specified below starts from where it hit me.

T-0:00 I waved my hand and 10 more copies were following it. When I got up I was spinning like if I was drunk.

T-0:30 Light trails was flowing around and it was becoming intense every minute.

T-1:00 I was in a dark room in my bed and put purple table lamp on the create a bit of mystic atmosphere. When I gaze into the objects they started to shapeshift into animals or things I can not describe.

T-1:30 I wanted to take a piss and rolled myself out of bed with a back flip, I don't know why I did that but ended up crashing my face on the ground.

T-2:00 I decided to take a smoke went to balcony and when I look at sky and the look down whole stars created a trail and was falling down to the ground. And I was seeing cats on electric cables on the streets.

T-2:30 Put on some Goa Psy Trance but the music was like 3x faster than normal it felt overwhelming so I had to took off my headphones.

T-3:30 Effects I mentioned continued to happen for an hour and I decided blindfold myself and meditate a bit. In just 10 minutes of closing my eyes I was just watching geometrical patterns and seeing silhouettes that I can't recognize and suddenly had out of body experience, I was seeing my self on the ceiling on the same position lying down like me I got a bit scared but not that much.

T-5:00 walls around me started to wave, bubbly and full of patterns. It was almost like light show at disco club.

T-5:30 I wanted to order some food but it took me to 15 minutes to explain my address to the restaurant. And when the food came I couldn't eat the food it was a chicken but I thought it was full of bones and didn't want to break my teeth.

T-6:00 I wanted to dance put on some music again and did a horrible mistake. I have huge pier glass in my room, I stood right in front of it put my hands in the air and closed them slowly to my hips and it looked like if I had countless of arms following my original arm.

T-6:00 I've found myself staring in the mirror and I thought of that if that I was looking at my reflection or I was in the mirror and I was the reflection. I realized that I've lost my complete sensation of reality and blocked the mirror with a body towel and went to bed.

T-7:00 Effects were same for 1 more hour then it started to peak again I blindfolded myself took all the off the lights. And even with that I could see people walls and objects around but it wasn't my room. I hold on to the blindfold for about 10-15 minutes but the people and the patterns on my eyes were changing every 5 second.

T-7:30 I took off my blindfold and started to gaze in around the walls and it was like teleporting around, every time I blink I was in another room I've never seen before and people were around I've never seen before. Every time I blink I was somewhere else, sometimes in just black empty space floating, sometimes lying on a bed made of bright white light. I enjoyed the feeling and barely got out of the bed and smoked a cigarette and effects became 10 times more harder. I was shifting in and out of consciousness and teleporting different places. I've done shrooms, cannabis, OD'ed on benzos, DXM, codeine but none of them wasn't even close to this.

T-8:00 I felt tired and wanted to sleep but effects weren't fading instead every minute it got intensified at some point all I could see was purple light trails following my eyes. I was floating, bed underneath me was waving. I had no nausea, diarrhea, no anxiety.

T-8.30 I felt really tired and thought that I should abort the trip and get some sleep because it was 9 AM. Took 2 MG of valium believing it'll put me in to the sleep. But I couldn't at some point I fell asleep.

T-14:00 I woke up and thought I only slept for half and hour but when I check the time it was actually around 6 hours. I felt a bit drowsy and was still seeing trails of moving objects. I got immediately and took a shower. I was feeling great. None of my body hurt, no headache, no drowsiness, no nausea, bowels were fine, eyelids didn't drop. And I was energetic like I was never before. I usually suffer from constant anxiety and addicted to benzos and first thing I do was taking valium when I wake up but I didn't even need that and spend the whole day without any meds and didn't suffer from anxiety.

It was the best recreational thing I've ever used but it lasted too long I guess I've put the ingredients a bit too much. But I felt divine, care free. When I think about that night I remember things like if it was a dream. Thing that I liked most was being able to see while my eyes closed and teleporting around the random places. It was like having dreams but being completely awake. But I believe it should be used once a week. In my case it can drive me crazy taking it everyday.

I believe it would be more fun with friends. I believe I've gained the ability to see the world a in a new way.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114990
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jan 25, 2021Views: 1,282
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Arundo donax (478), Syrian Rue (45), Mimosa tenuiflora (74), Huasca Brew (268) : General (1), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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