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A Giggly Happy Experience
Alprazolam & Cannabis
Citation:   StanFromSales. "A Giggly Happy Experience: An Experience with Alprazolam & Cannabis (exp114993)". Aug 16, 2023.

T+ 0:00
5 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:45 75 mg smoked Cannabis - High THC (extract)
  T+ 0:50 25 mg smoked Cannabis - High THC (extract)
Just a normal night for me, which entails, doing nothing really of importance. I am unemployed, generally unhappy with myself in every aspect. I am clinically diagnosed with major depression, ADD, anxiety, and will be getting re-evaluated soon. So, tonight I decided to experiment a little more with Xanax. I had been taking it in small increments about a month prior and overall I like it's effects. I do not notice much of any withdrawal effects which is a huge positive to me, as I've experienced many awful side effects from various prescription anti-depressants of different varieties (SSRIs, SNRIs, CNS, MAOI, Vyvanse). Currently, I am waning almost entirely off of Effexor, and feeling much more like myself. It has been 2 weeks since the last time I took a Xanax and I normally only take 1-2mg.

3:00 AM - Took 5mg Xanax orally.

3:30 AM - Started to feel some moderate effects. A nice warm, cozy feeling came over me. I was really enjoying the Game Grumps I was watching and they are cracking me up in ways that are more stupid than normal.

4:00 AM - Feel as if the effects are fading slightly. I need to feed my pot plants, so I head downstairs to the pot lair. My flip flops aren't in my area. I stretch searching for them with my feet to no avail. I do feel as if getting up could be a bit of an adventure.

3:45 AM - Figuring I'm feeling pretty happy and high, I decide to pound down some Cannabis Crumble. I took around 3-5 dabs. Probably around 75mg THC.

4:15 AM - There was an enormous spider. Haven't seen one of this size since last year. It's almost too big, I might have to catch it and set it free outside. Either way I'm feeling like my head is spinning and I will definitely consider limiting my movements. I like spiders because they guard my cannabis plants from whatever else I guess.

4:20 AM - Realizing it's 420 I dab another 25mg of my Cannabis Crumble.

4:30 AM - I am getting the munchies but I'm also feeling like I ate 4 or 5 too many at the bar and typing is an immense challenge. I am constantly making mistakes and typing much slower than my usual 100WPM.

4:35 AM - I get the feeling I want to play some video game, I don't know what it will be. Played a couple rounds. Got destroyed but had fun. My cat wanted pets so I got distracted and pet him.

5:20 AM - Caved in to wanting a snack, and got out some port wine cheese spread and garlic, onion, pepper pretzels.

5:45 AM - Feeling a wave of sleepy come over me. Believe I am going to fall asleep in the next 15 minutes.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114993
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Aug 16, 2023Views: 263
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Cannabis - High THC (598), Pharms - Alprazolam (98) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), General (1)

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