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Entering the 4th Dimension
Citation:   Frankie. "Entering the 4th Dimension: An Experience with LSD (exp115016)". Aug 8, 2023.

T+ 0:00
100 ug oral LSD (gel tab)
  T+ 0:45 100 ug oral LSD (gel tab)
  T+ 3:00 Few hits smoked Cannabis - Hash (extract)
  T+ 0:00 2 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 0.1 mg oral Pharms - Clonidine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis - Hash (extract)
At the time of this experience I was very experienced with psychedelics, and drugs in general. I didn’t have too good of a day, but my overall mindset was positive. This experience was very, very strange; a common theme on LSD. I took a total of 200 ugs via blue pyramid gel tabs, and around 3 hours into the experience, I took a few bong rips.

I took one tab to see how it affects me and waited. Around 45 minutes into the experience I observed a strange gut feeling, along with the typical LSD come-up symptoms; clammy hands, a lightheaded feeling, and an increase in visual acuity. When I felt the come up and was assured this was good LSD, I took one more tab.

I spent the next two hours listening to trippy podcasts, playing with my dog, and just fry the fuck out on my bed, everything pointing towards this being a typical LSD trip. I then decided that I would go into the garage and take a few bong rips to get the trip really going. I walked into the freezing cold garage and got my setup ready. It took me around 20 minutes to even smoke as I kept spacing out. I packed a bowl of some lemon drop kief and cleared it all. I exhaled the smoke and laid back on the couch I had in the garage. I had my bong on a small file cabinet, which had a honeycomb pattern on the top of it. All I remember is being literally sucked into this pattern, having a complete ego death, and forgetting who I was. The general background noise from the outdoors that filled the air in the garage became extremely overwhelming. The general humming that was heard while sober turned into what I perceived as gears turning, and a very strange mechanical whirring sound. These “gears” that I heard turning birthed the perception that these gears were squeezing my stomach, this sensation was extremely painful.

I was in such an intense trip, I decided to pull out my phone and record myself for the next day, as I was too fucked up to write anything down. I started using my front camera to record myself, and this is where things got really trippy. My sense of spacing and dimension was incredibly off. It is hard to put into words, but while I was looking at the screen I couldn’t tell what was actually the garage, and what was the video recording of the garage. I would put my hand forward and it would come out from behind me. I remember when this happened I gasped because I was so confused what was going on. I clearly remember the presence of multiple jester-like archetypes who were laughing at me for being so confused, like they were these 4-dimensional tricksters. I literally felt as if my body was being torn apart in every possible direction. I also remember feeling this incredibly powerful energy flow through me, and this literally felt like I was being raped by the universe,
I literally felt as if my body was being torn apart in every possible direction. I also remember feeling this incredibly powerful energy flow through me, and this literally felt like I was being raped by the universe,
and it was clear in my mind that this energy flowing through me didn’t have my consent to do this.

I decided that the trip was getting too intense, so I went inside and took 2mg of clonazepam, along with .1 mg of clonidine to put me to sleep. I hung out in my bed for around an hour waiting for the Kpin to kick in. The Klonopin kicked in but I was still tripping hard, albeit with a more muted tone. I went back to the garage, smoked one more bowl, and then went to bed. All and all this experience served as a reminder of just how weird psychedelics can be, and the depths my mind can take me.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 115016
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Aug 8, 2023Views: 342
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LSD (2) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Mystical Experiences (9), Alone (16)

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