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The Most Amazing Pain Killer
Kratom & Chanting
Citation:   oldearth. "The Most Amazing Pain Killer: An Experience with Kratom & Chanting (exp115078)". Feb 26, 2021.

  oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
I did not expect much of the substance. I dissolved way less than 1 gram in hot, but not boiling, water. I drunk it, the taste is not good. I did not measure the dosage, it could have been quarter of a gram, it was just a single pinch.

In some minutes, max half an hour, I do not remember well I suddenly felt the effect although I thought there won't be any due to the extra small dose.

This is the best pain killer on earth for me... And I have tried sacred plants before... Due to heavy painful sickness I need to take often CBD oil to remain functional through the day… but this has superb effects, not only in the way it relieved the pain, but also I can see that it found and addressed my difficult sickness.

Anyhow, I will not use it regularly because I know from good friend that it can be addictive and suck out one's spirit power badly when addictive, but it gave me peace of mind - if I am ever in severe pain again, there is a gift from the Lord, the kratom herb. But I will be careful not to take more than 2 or 3 times per month to avoid addiction.
I will be careful not to take more than 2 or 3 times per month to avoid addiction.

So it has been 12 hours now since I took it and still there are some effects!

Besides the pain relief I had to sit and meditate when the effects were at peak, I realised that is the natural state of the soul, it was like a ray of peace and love descending from heaven on me…

Overall … far better and FAR STRONGER than expected! Possibly because of the plentiful mantra singing to it before I took it. At least for me - better pain killer than CBD oil even.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 115078
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 45
Published: Feb 26, 2021Views: 714
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Kratom (203), Chanting (456), Meditation (128) : Glowing Experiences (4), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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