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Mild Entactogenic Psychedelic/Side Effects
Citation:   UniversalDistillate. "Mild Entactogenic Psychedelic/Side Effects: An Experience with 25E-NBOH (exp115103)". Jan 16, 2021.

1.5 mg buccal 25E-NBOH (blotter / tab)
  40 mg oral Amphetamines (daily)
  2.5 g oral Smarts - Phenibut (daily)
  8 g oral Kratom (daily)
I take 40mg d-amp split in 10mg 4x/day
500mg Phenibut 5x/day
2.0g kratom 4x/day

Dependence on listed substances for 2 years (kratom and Phenibut)
D-amp (8 years for ADHD)

Presumably little impact on experience given the length of dependence on previous substances.

Dosed 1.5 mg of 25E-NBOH
T+5.5 hours dosed 2.0 mg eitzolam for sleep.

25E-NBOH trip update

Quick report back. I did 1.5mg 25E-NBOH. I found it really quite easygoing. Quite entactogenic. Sex was good, but it was pretty hard to finish. Music sounded great. Extremely stimulating come up, decent amount of vasoconstriction, and I felt a little nauseous for the duration of the experience. The visuals were pretty limited for me at 1.5mg. I held the blotter under my lip for approximately 30 mins. I feel like I would have enjoyed taking at least 2.0mg, but I would be a little concerned on the bodily effects. D-Amp tolerance made pretty much no difference. Took 2.0 mg of etizolam 5.5 hours or so after dosing when the effects were mostly over. Slept 7 hours. Felt fine the next day.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115103
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Jan 16, 2021Views: 1,250
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25E-NBOH (890) : Sex Discussion (14), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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