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Serenity and Detachment
Sceletium tortuosum
Citation:   NatureMan. "Serenity and Detachment: An Experience with Sceletium tortuosum (exp115177)". May 28, 2023.

100 mg buccal Sceletium tortuosum (powder / crystals)
This was maybe my fifth or so time taking Kanna, in my case just the ground up unfermented root. My previous experiences with it have been very mixed. Sometimes I have drunk the tea with no noticeable effect, chewed it/sublingually taken it with a mild effect, and insufflated it which was the most effective, with very noticeable changes of consciousness, mostly euphoria.

This time I chose to take it like a tobacco dip. I took a little pinch of it and put it in my upper lip, it is hard to precisely describe how much material that pinch was encompassing but I'm guessing around 100 mg. I tried to take a pinch more but due to the unmanageable nature of the powder, I did not get it successfully stuck in my lip.

I was biking around in my neighborhood during the beginning of this experience, and slowly started to feel the effects of it, the first thing I noticed was a slight detachment from normal reality, as if the thought patterns that normally are a big part of myself and brought me peace are now less meaningful. A feeling of euphoria and bodily comfort was also coming to me in small waves, and these sudden spikes of euphoria would come over me, nothing overly dramatic but still quite noticeable.

The feeling of biking while the effects of the Kanna was taking place was very special, as the feelings I got from the intense physical movement of moving uphill kind of blended with the effects of the Kanna. It seemed a lot harder to bike than usual and I was breathing heavily, but the euphoria I got from working my body was also synergistically meshing with the euphoria from the Kanna. I biked down to a big lookout spot at the beach where I can look out over the ocean from high up. I sat myself down on a bench to really just feel myself and what was happening, as at this point I was kind of doubting that I felt any effects, but as soon as I sat down I could definitely feel that something was different. Every motion of nature around me seemed a lot more noticeable and a lot more in flow with me. The waves crashing in the distance, the sky and the birds around me, I could them feel as more connected to my body, very interesting
Every motion of nature around me seemed a lot more noticeable and a lot more in flow with me. The waves crashing in the distance, the sky and the birds around me, I could them feel as more connected to my body, very interesting
feeling actually, like the waves crashing kind of kept moving away from the ocean and moved into my body and rushed comfort through it. All these effects I would not describe as psychedelic, they were much more bodily focused, a little subtle, and kind of mechanical.

That huge mind space that I get from visionary plants was not really a part of it, but it definitely felt easier to come up with intricate ideas. During my experience there were also waves of anxiety and, feelings of not being connected to life. I had visions of returning home with my bike and never really feeling home, or not feeling home in the life I was given, very melancholic thoughts, but interesting none of the less. I remember looking down at my phone, my hands, and the beach and everything seemed much more clear like a photo, also much more mechanical, and not mechanical in a tinny or metallic way more in a kind of reductionistic way, kind of like all facets of life that are not reductionistic or mechanical where taken out, and this created anxiety, it was as if in waves I could almost feel the serotonin being held back in the brain, not flowing.

When I came home I felt great euphoria and this very sensual feeling of my skin, just the wanting of my skin to be caressed, although I didn't really want that, the wanting in itself was enough. As my experience continues and I am writing this (it has been about 1,5 hours since I took it) I still feel euphoric, and a slight disconnect from life, but very comfortable and great in my body.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115177
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 28, 2023Views: 582
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Sceletium tortuosum (179) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Nature / Outdoors (23), Alone (16)

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