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'Social Anxiety' and the Pink Pill Experiment
Citation:   Veronica. "'Social Anxiety' and the Pink Pill Experiment: An Experience with Paroxetine (exp11522)". Erowid.org. Oct 7, 2004. erowid.org/exp/11522

20 mg oral Pharms - Paroxetine (pill / tablet)
I started taking Paxil after being clinically diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder and panic attacks. Now, I have always been willing to try anything once, so I followed my doctors advice.

It took about 1 week for me to notice the effects of the drug. I started on 10 mg a day and increased to 20 mg in two weeks. After 2 weeks I was able to function in society without panicking and wanting to die. It was instant confidence for me which before I had only been able to reach through alcohol or E. Friends and family think it is a miracle. A few friends often get irratated and jealous of my new-found happiness and upbeat nature.

After a visit to a new doctor today, he mentioned
a few intersting things.

1. That I will need to be on Paxil for the rest of my life or until medical science develops something other than a pink pill.
2. That research shows Paxil is re-constructing DNA in certain areas of the brain.... ??? This is quite interesting
3. I do not have medical and it is getiing expensive.... really!?!

A few side effects I have noticed...
some are fun... some are not.

1. Balance - like I am walking on a rocky boat from time to time.

2. Very vivid and complex dreams

3. I am like a non-sexual being. No feeling, no interest, no nothin'

4. Enhanced self image, and extreme self confidence

5. Smoking a lot more, Grinding teeth quite often, jaw clenching.

6. Loss of emotion, yet extremely happy and confident @ the same time

7. Have always been blessed by the gift of telepathy, it is now slowly withering away. Can no longer read minds, and this saddens me.

I am still taking Paxil and will continue for fear of falling back into my old self. I am now vey scared for what will happen if I stop taking the drug. So in fact, medical science has now trapped me financially and emotionally. I am now dependent on a little pink pill... until there is a new teal, turquoise or fuschia pill.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11522
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 7, 2004Views: 24,436
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Pharms - Paroxetine (148) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Health Benefits (32), Various (28)

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