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Very Visual with Little Headspace
by SK
Citation:   SK. "Very Visual with Little Headspace: An Experience with 4-HO-MET (exp115321)". Apr 22, 2021.

T+ 0:00
10 mg IM 4-HO-MET
  T+ 1:20 20 - 25 mg IM 4-HO-MET
BODY WEIGHT: 136.7 lb
05.15 - dosed ~10MG, fairly immediate effect

05.30 building in intensity +++

06.00: on verge of ++++ but still say +++

06.35: Redose of 20-25mg, again immediate effect within 5 minutes +++

09.00: coming back to baseline still at +

10.30: Back to baseline, but exhausted. Some recovery time is needed.

WARNING: This is not for anyone. Please try oral low dose. That is NOT what anyone normal should take. This sort of dose is only for those who have tried pihkal/tihkal chemicals at 80mg+ (roughly given the chemical) at minimum before daring to IM this product. I found intensity stronger than high dose 4-aco-dmt (80-100mg) oral or 200mg DPT insufflated and I've tried most at what is considered their very strong dosages. This is not a contest but as a means of WARNING.

Tldr: I did get naked multiple times.

I saw closed eye visuals like Alex grey does best. But the open eyes transcended any form of Indian style drawing. Literal 4-d goddesses of no name. All loving but no name or way to transcribe to human form.

Also very stimulant.

I took this alone and spoke out loud to myself the entire experience as if in direct contact to some sort of hyper dimensional 4-ho-met god/entity. I am very introverted. So this was therapeutic but I could see an extrovert having mild trouble with this high dose.

This was from a tested chemical from 8-10 years ago kept in well storage. Apart from mild oxidisation which a cotton filter removed. Would not recommend direct IM or IV without filter.

Note: The second dose did not have intended effects due to tolerance.
Clear tolerance of 2 weeks is presented.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115321
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Apr 22, 2021Views: 760
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4-HO-MET (436) : General (1), Alone (16)

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