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All the Nervousness Was Gone
Cannabis & Propranolol
by Semo
Citation:   Semo. "All the Nervousness Was Gone: An Experience with Cannabis & Propranolol (exp115323)". Mar 30, 2021.

40 mg oral Pharms - Propranolol (pill / tablet)
  4 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis  
Great Combination

I was taking propranolol regularly 40 mg in the morning and 40 mg in the evening to lower my heart rate. My resting-sober heart rate is about 120 bpm. Especially when I use cannabis it goes up to 150 for about an hour or so which makes me a bit anxious and feel dizzy. I used to be a regular cannabis consumer about a year ago but that heart rate never got better. Also I don't have any heart conditions, just a high pumping rate.

I decided to take my med. and smoke at the same time and damn it was awesome. All the nervousness was gone and my heart rate was around 80-90 all the time. I did this for 5 days straight and didn't experience any side effects at all. Propranolol made my high a lot smoother and enjoyable. I don't think I'll ever smoke without taking this medication. But as a negative effect I experienced a weaker high than usual but not that much.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115323
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Mar 30, 2021Views: 2,451
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Cannabis (1), Pharms - Propranolol (72) : Medical Use (47), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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