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Started Shaking and Shivering Intensely
Syrian Rue & Cannabis
Citation:   Atroposss. "Started Shaking and Shivering Intensely: An Experience with Syrian Rue & Cannabis (exp115343)". Apr 16, 2021.

250 mg smoked Syrian Rue (seeds)
    vaporized Cannabis  
I got ahold of a bag of syrian rue seeds from my local middle-eastern shop. I had done research on rue and its MAOI properties.

I smoked around 0.25g of rue seeds earlier in the day, I would say around 5 o clock, got a nice serotonergic buzz and an overall " magical" feeling, after I vaped a bit of cannabis to potentiate the effect and it felt amazing. At around 8 pm, I got hungry and decided to eat a mango. After about an hour I started feeling cold, like the flu had all of a sudden hit me. My limbs started shaking and shivering intensely! My stomach was a grumbling mess that forced me to the toilet!

I got in the shower afterwards, hoping it would help, but it didnt seem to help either. I ended up in my bed wrapped up in my comforter and vaporizing some medical cannabis hoping for relief... It helped, and I fell asleep still shivering a bit.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115343
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Apr 16, 2021Views: 826
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