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A Long and Mellow Experience
Citation:   unconstituency. "A Long and Mellow Experience: An Experience with DOB, LSD & SSRI (exp115426)". May 11, 2021.

T+ 0:00
2 - 3 mg oral DOB
  T+ 13:30 220 ug oral LSD
  T+ 0:00     SSRIs
+0:00 roughly 2.7mg of 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-bromoamphetamine taken orally

+0:30 slight chills?

+3:00 slight visuals seem to be manifesting, motor skills slightly impaired

+3:21 strangely feel sober, bus as I type I can tell that is not the case. My movements seem to lag behind my thoughts, almost imperceptibly so. Open eye visuals starting to become more apparent.

+3:30 OEVs can be described as shifting or breathing, like a film on top of what is being viewed

+5:20 nose is a bit cold, noticed clear OEVs on a white background while unfocused. The visuals remind me of the reflection of light against water, or an oil sheen on top of liquid. I was also watching a video on fractals, which incorporated themselves into the imagery.

+13:26 feel pretty much back to baseline, still a bit of a slight body buzz and shifting/breathing visuals.

+13:30 decided to add 220ug LSD to the mix.

The rest of the night I just enjoyed the slight visuals and body buzz I was getting. I spent some time staring at the night sky, appreciating the patterns that form in the darkness between the stars. Back inside, I noticed mosaic-like patterns on the blank backgrounds of the websites I was browsing. They looked like rounded triangles of various colors organized into circular shapes. Reminds me a bit of Aztec artwork.

Eventually after nearly 23 hours the stimulant effects of the DOB/LSD were not enough to fight off my tiredness, so I went to bed.

Overall I would say it was a nice experience, but very mellow. I never found myself caught up in immersive experiences. I think the body component of the chemical was more apparent to me than the visuals, which only really presented when I made an effort to see the. I think possibly it is due to some built up psychedelic tolerance, or perhaps that I had been taking an SSRI.

I plan to come back to DOB at a later time and do another experiment, with hopefully a more powerful experience.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115426
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: May 11, 2021Views: 820
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DOB (19), LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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