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First Beautiful Foray
Citation:   john iv. "First Beautiful Foray: An Experience with Isoproscaline (exp115433)". May 20, 2021.

T+ 0:00
22.5 mg insufflated Isoproscaline (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00 22.5 mg oral Isoproscaline (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:45   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
First Beautiful Foray with Isoproscaline

Substance: Isoproscaline, 45mg (weighed out)

Set & Setting:
My condominium on a Saturday evening. Feeling generally positive and good. We’ve been in ‘lockdown’ for over a year, and I’ve long come to terms with being under a ‘House Arrest’ situation and doing everything from home, pretty much alone. I recently purchased a number of different mescaline analogues from a local online vendor, and I’m eager to experiment with them. A couple of weeks back, I had previously tried ~35mg of Proscaline, with mild effect but not an overly significant experience overall.

The following report was made in real-time while on the substance. I have added only mild editorial updates for grammatical purposes. I had a timer running on my phone to capture precise time-points during the trip. My choice of 45mg was considered a lower-end "average" dose from the psychonaut wiki; however, there is minimal information on this substance, and I was not able to source any previous experience reports.

Time 0: Route of Administration was half oral and half insufflated. Taste was bitter as expected. For the insufflated portion, there was only minimal burn (perhaps a tiny bit more than proscaline).

+5min: The 'glow' begins...

+30min: Talked to mom on the phone; no issue holding a normal conversation or concentrating, despite the continual glow.

+45min: Mild trails; very vivid colours — Went outside for a smoke; everything beautiful and nature-y 😉 I love these yellow flowers; Spring has sprung. Even the rocks look smooth and beautiful. Closed eye 'flashes'; no geometry. No nausea, as was expected. Definitely 'better' than proscaline (again, taken two weeks earlier at a ~35mg starting dose).

+55 min: Taking an interest in sounds, mostly birds with the occasional sounds from the condo nearby.

+60min: The feeling of "all is good" is still intensifying; but still with a very clear mindset.

+65min: Starting to care less about what is around me (outside of natural beauty). Still "in control" of my mental faculties...I feel I could still hold a normal conversation if I need to, but have decreased interest in social things. I love looking at the swaying treetops and seeing the branches coalesce into weird transforming patterns. Closed-eye visuals a bit more intense; and a bit more..."structured"?

+70min: Just felt a tummy-grumble...but not painful or nauseating. Perhaps just hungry (It's dinner-ish time)...I feel like I could eat, but have little interest in actually doing so. Everything around me looks wonderful, but completely normal. Likewise, I feel great...and yet completely normal.

+90min: Moving's getting dark and I'm starting to really "feel" like I'm tripping. Though still feeling in control of myself, I feel like I'd rather be inside in a constant environment where I won't have to talk to neighbours (though I still could, if I had to)...goodbye to the yellow flowers, Spring has sprung.

+100min: Think I've peaked. Very content. Closed-eye a music visualizer...patterns mainly on the left & right like dancing stage curtains...although the light from my cellphone disturbs this. Very content.

+4hr: Visuals have subsided. Still in a very relaxed and content state similar to other phenethylamines I've tried (at this time limited to just peyote, MDA, and proscaline). I feel normal otherwise...although I just puffed on an unlit cigarette for a couple minutes before realizing...but otherwise I feel normal 😉

+6hr30min: It's a long denouement. Effects are wearing off, but very gradually, and I know I won't be able to sleep for some time. I continue to feel the 'glow' about me and the very pleasant feeling of everything being good and right.

Some early retrospective at this point:
- Through the night I felt my short-term memory recall was actually better than usual.
- Eating was not an issue, although getting up the appetite to actually sit down to dinner was a bit of an effort.
- Girlfriend said I was chattier than usual.
- Had a few episodes of feeling hot & breaking out in a sweat, especially in the later hours. Could be the recent warm weather though.
- My cats don't seem to notice my state (as they do when I smoke cannabis; perhaps just that my interactions with them are fairly standard).

+9h20min: Feeling mostly normal now. Going to try and sleep.

+10h (4:00am): Guess not. Still wide awake.

Not sure when I actually fell asleep, but I awoke the next day feeling great. A little bit mentally drained from all the headiness of the experience, but no lingering effects, negative or otherwise. This general feeling of well-being persisted through the day and into Monday.

This was a beautiful trip. Not a major complaint, but I do wish the duration was a bit shorter. I’m interested to go a little further with a higher dose of isoproscaline in the future. I may first experiment with some other phenethylamine mescaline analogues first though.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115433
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 45
Published: May 20, 2021Views: 1,158
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Isoproscaline (942) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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