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Little or No Tummy Troubles
Morning Glory
Citation:   jonny. "Little or No Tummy Troubles: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp11544)". Aug 5, 2019.

200 seeds oral Morning Glory
I had the best experience with very little stomach troubles. I prepared the seeds by washing the seeds in water, rolling them between my hands vigorously for a couple minutes soaking for an hour first. I soaked the seeds for a couple days, then after pouring water off, squished the seeds with the butt end of a knife, then soaking for a week, simply pouring the water off (without dumping any seed settled at the bottom) EVERY DAY, then refilling with cold tap water. Before consuming I dumped as much water and slammed the seed pulp in two gulps. My stomach plugged up for two hours (not unpleasant, just a full feeling). When I felt my stomach eased up was when I started to feel funny. It felt like acid coming on, and metallica sounded great (even though I dont prefer them). I felt my cat could read my thoughts. When I went out to see my friends I felt very special. And started communicating to them in some fun schizophrenic way (I'm not schizophrenic). During the peak I had the most spectacular open eye visuals of some archaic surfing motif rotating slowly in a circle. It had these perpetual connected designs, like the 12 monkeys symbol, only the creatures were more like fish or pac-man hyper dimension relics.

I realize I probably took a little too many seeds because I felt I was under divine judgment and began to get a little worried I couldn't make it to heaven, staring at the stars. The task at hand seemed too tedious. It may have been the setting or something. I went in the house and felt scared but in control until I watched T.V. The tv image started warping and ondulating in a scary fashion, then spread beyond the boundary of the screen. My stomach started to feel bad along with my mind. I went in the basement and tried puking in a bucket. Upon looking in the bucket I felt better instantly and thanked the lord!! The rest of the night was filled with revelation and wonder. I looked at a picture of a pack of penguins. I wouldnt have believed they were penguins becuase it looked exactly like a crowed of priests and nuns kneeling and praising in Iceland (my girl at the time was catholic).

At the end of the night I'm still tripping like 9 hours later. Very mellow and relaxed feeling with a slight back ache like from acid. I slept like a baby and felt full of joy the next day (still tripping a little). I felt I had discovered a new part of myself, and remembering the visuals I'd think I was a surfer in a past ancient life. Very++++ experience. This preparation left me with little or no tummy troubles.

Exp Year: 1998ExpID: 11544
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 5, 2019Views: 881
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Morning Glory (38) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Unknown Context (20)

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