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A Welcome Change
Citation:   Bulk 65. "A Welcome Change: An Experience with Damiana (exp115447)". May 25, 2021.

3 tsp oral Damiana (tea)
  4 - 5 hits smoked Damiana (dried)
Having experienced Damiana for the last 2 weeks, I am grateful for the experience. I am an experienced and regular weed smoker (also have experience with a range of other psychoactive drugs such as Ketamine, MDMA and truffles).

However weed often makes me feel anxious now at this point of my maturity and often feels too heavy to call it a good time. I started to develop physical symptoms of pain stemming from low level general anxiety and my partner has DID, a long term neurological condition.

I started to research Herbalism to see how I could help myself and my partner mentally and physically, already understanding the power of herbs. I bought Damiana from an online wholefoods shop for an extremely low price in comparison to Cannabis (£10 GBP per gram), receiving 200x the amount for £5.00 GBP.

I made it into a tea with effective results, adding three teaspoons to a tea pot and brewing it, resulting in a smile I couldn't wipe from my face, a terrific feeling of arousal (being an aphrodisiac) and a general sense of an uplifted mood. I found that it invoked a calm feeling of sleepiness, that giving way to, allowed my mind to experience very vivid dreams (whether regular or day dreams I don't know), awaking feeling fresh and well-rested. My partner affirmed the same experience.

Being an anti-anxiety herb it is effective at calming down or alleviating feelings of nervousness, but due to the rigours of everyday life, myself and my partner required a quicker hit of this so I decided to use a bong (aka waterpipe) previously having consulted [an online source]. 4 or 5 hits with the bong replicates a feeling very similar to being stoned, but completely legal and without the uncomfortable feelings often experienced. Taken just before bed, ensures a swift and solid sleep.

Smoking Damiana positively impacts my partners DID symptoms when she is experiencing an emotional crisis, it usually resets her and makes her feel calm. It also calms her before we leave the house meaning that she doesn't disassociate, which is a common occurrence. I personally have experienced a more general resolution to my anxiety symptoms, but may be related to other matters also.

Smoking it through a bong in order to experience the full effects and also within a herbal mix with cannabis, it produces a very level-headed and controllable high. My partner feels more stoned off the Damiana than she does from cannabis, with a better feeling!

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115447
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: May 25, 2021Views: 928
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Damiana (107) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Second Hand Report (42), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11), First Times (2)

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