Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Sent to Psychiatric Hospital
by Alex
Citation:   Alex. "Sent to Psychiatric Hospital: An Experience with Phenibut (exp115450)". Jun 21, 2022.

10 g oral Smarts - Phenibut
Dose: about 10g on empty stomach
Set & setting: at my home with my parents

Time: Somewhere between 7am - 12pm
T+0 consumed 10g of phenibut disolved in water

The taste of phenibut-infused water was both sour and bitter. I almost vomit when I think about it now.

T+3h Phenibut starts working, feeling buzz, emphatogenic effects, euphoria and strong music enchancement. I can't walk straight.

T+5h I feel sleepy. I go to bed to rest for literally 1 second (it is still day).

T+? I woke up. I vomit all over my bed , and I am too high to notice it. Sound is extremely heavy distorted, very similar to audio distortion on nitrous oxide (laughing gas). I vomit more (I notice that I am vomiting and I overdosed now). I try to do this in the sink, but sometimes it is impossible and I vomit on the floor.

Parents call emergency, they sent police and ambulance.

Police comes first, they were like 4-5 policemen, they just talk to me, I show them what I took. They wish me a good day and leave, because phenibut is fully legal in my country. They know that ambulance is on the way, so they just leave.

Ambulance arrives, paramedics come. I vomit a few more times, they ask me more questions like "why I took it".

I go with them to the ambulance, and they are driving to the ER.

In the ER, more question, they don't give me anything, because my overdose is non life threatening

Another ride, but to the psychiatric hospital this time. I arrive at around midnight. I am still high, and have serious lack of coordination. I tried to sit on a chair but I fell down.

Of course they asked me more questions, talked to me, took my urine sample and other similar things, but that should be obvious. I go to isolation room with another patient (because of COVID, I stayed there until tests were negative). Few hours later, and I am still high, but effects are slowly wearing off. I go to sleep.

Woke up, fully sober

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115450
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Jun 21, 2022Views: 1,424
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Smarts - Phenibut (379) : Overdose (29), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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