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Infinite Hippodromes of Clowns
Salvia divinorum (20x extract)
by HDM
Citation:   HDM. "Infinite Hippodromes of Clowns: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (20x extract) (exp115457)". Sep 19, 2021.

20 mg smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
As I exhaled my last breath of burnt Salvia divinorum extract from my sinusoidally-shaped plastic bong, I was enveloped into a delirious hilarity that I never knew possible. Almost immediately, my body writhed backwards in to my bed, in a mix of proprioceptive delusion and fucked up-kinaesthesia. I glanced to my left and realised that I was becoming a part of an infinite hippodrome of clowns, fully comprised beings with each limb outstretched and facing forward, locked on to the circumference of the revolving object, as the hippodrome continued to rotate. Perhaps this was to be my life from this point forward, a jester, permanently poised in a single position and rotating with hundreds of other jesters for the amusement of no one. The ultimate punishment for indulging in the consumption of a psychotropic plant, the consumption of glandular trichome secretions of a perennial sage, the synthetic agonism of k-opioid receptors. NO YOU MAY NOT SMOKE TRANS-NEOCLERODANE DITERPENES HOW DARE YOU YOU MUST BE PUNISHED.

I then screamed, "FUCK OFF", to the dismay of my housemate who was in another room, but bad language was all but a short price to pay in order to escape the living hell that was the forced conscription into the eternal cosmic circus. After this scream, I was able to walk around my room, although slightly dissociated, I was still able to write relatively coherently. An incredibly brief experience, I managed to laugh it off, although this was uncontrollable laughter for a full five minutes.

Salvinorin A is a gelotologists dream, and perhaps a gateway for a deeper understanding of human consciousness.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115457
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Sep 19, 2021Views: 603
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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