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Dissopioidelia - a Novel Polydrug Combo
Kratom, Gabapentin, 3-MEO-PCE & 3-HO-PCP
Citation:   LiminalMugwump. "Dissopioidelia - a Novel Polydrug Combo: An Experience with Kratom, Gabapentin, 3-MEO-PCE & 3-HO-PCP (exp115469)". Sep 23, 2021.

T+ 0:00
  repeated oral Kratom
  T+ 0:00 900 mg oral Pharms - Gabapentin
  T+ 1:00 4 mg oral 3-MEO-PCE
  T+ 1:00 4 mg insufflated 3-MEO-PCE
  T+ 4:00 6 mg insufflated 3-HO-PCP
  T+ 4:00 2.5 mg oral 3-MEO-PCE
  T+ 4:00 2.5 mg insufflated 3-MEO-PCE
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis - Hash
This is just a very short and concise report on a novel polydrug combination. I have tolerance and experience with all of these substances (apart from 3-HO-PCP, but I have had a few trials with it before), so this is not a recommendation for novices. For me, all of these dosages are on the mild side. As always, I smoked a couple pipes of hashish throughout the experience.

Dosage / ROA:

Kratom; 2.8g – 3g (repeated every 6 hours), Gabapentin; 900mg (3x300mg over 2 hours), 3-meo-pce; 8mg (split oral/IN) + 5mg (split oral/IN), 3-ho-pcp; 6mg (Insufflated along with 2.5mg 3-meo-pce and 2.5mg oral 3-meo-pce, approx. 4 hours after first pce dose).

I took my first dose of 3-meo-pce about 1 hour after the first dose of Kratom and Gabapentin.


Warm opiate-style euphoric stimulated-sedation (slightly reminiscent of Oxy) with a psychedelic tinge. Cognition is a bit slow, but the headspace is interesting. Walking around outside felt dopey and dreamy. Definite anxiolysis present. Closed eyes results in opiate type nod. Colours are saturated. It is a syrupy dissociative psychedelic opioid buzz.

The 3-MeO-PCE provides an undercurrent of surging dissociative energy and physical euphoria. The 3-HO-PCP probably amplifies the opioid qualities of the kratom as well as adding some disso dopiness and psychedelia. The gabapentin undoubtably enhances the anxiolysis along with the dissos; I suspect that it adds to the sedation and dopiness too.

Peace and discord!

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115469
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Sep 23, 2021Views: 1,021
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Pharms - Gabapentin (183), Kratom (203), 3-MEO-PCE (536), 3-HO-PCP (838) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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