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Journey to Nowhere
Oxycodone, Diphenhydramine & Cannabis - High CBD
Citation:   Tricky. "Journey to Nowhere: An Experience with Oxycodone, Diphenhydramine & Cannabis - High CBD (exp115483)". Jul 28, 2023.

T+ 0:00
50 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00   hits smoked Cannabis - High CBD (device)
  T+ 1:00 30 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:40   hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)

I have been using various substances for 5 years, have tried 33 substances, with the addition of this report, making the total count of experiments with varied drugs 34. Among the ones I am most experienced in are: all forms of cannabis, LSD, Zolpidem, Dextromethorphan, and I have had a rather rocky past relationship with benzodiazepines - I avoid those all together nowadays.

By 21:00 I had already decided this was the night I was going to take the two 15mg generic formula Roxicodone I had acquired. Yellow T188s. I had decided to have 50mg of Benadryl coadministered one hour prior to dosing the oxycodone. I had also skipped lunch and dinner for the occasion for best absorption.

By 21:30 I had departed on my routine nightly walk and brought the pills with me. I had also taken my dab pen which was an indica strain to further potentiate the effects of the oxycodone. I took multiple hits from my pen and felt a nice wave of relaxation along with the mildly drowsy effects of the Benadryl to kick in.

At 22:00 I had almost completed the loop around my local park and sat at the bench I usually sit at to smoke. Tonight however I would not be smoking at the bench, just hitting my dab pen a few times. However at this moment I dosed the two 15mg pills. I made my way home after hitting my pen a few more times.

By 22:40 I had settled into my room and had my Beats Studio 3’s on. I was listening to Road Head by Japanese Breakfast. I very much enjoy music. I felt the normal high of the dab pen and the Benadryl had a more pronounced effect by now. I decided to load up a bowl which I quickly smoked. After a while I concluded I was still coming up. I decided to pass time and play some capture the flag.

Around 23:35 I am listening to Feet in the Sand by Hippie Sabotage. At this point I began to realize I was indeed quite sedated. This was a much more intense feeling than the indica I had been smoking however. Although I had taken the Benadryl I also felt a very slight itch. My breathing had also slowed noticeably at this point and was starting to come up faster.

At 00:00 I managed to get into my bed and lay down. My entire body had begun to become enveloped in a strong blanket of warmth. There was a soft tingling sensation running all through my body which felt electric-like.
My entire body had begun to become enveloped in a strong blanket of warmth. There was a soft tingling sensation running all through my body which felt electric-like.
My breathing had also become significantly more laborious and I started to have more blurry vision, but everything was still visible, however it seemed as if there was milky white film covering my field of vision.

By 00:45 I was now definitely feeling the oxycodone. Listening to Ascension by Mac Miller. I was feeling much more itchy, very euphoric, and I had also become a little more accustomed to the decreased breathing rate. The tingly feeling was much stronger, and I began to enter a phase of drifting. I was beginning to experience a very strong nod. I was going in and out of consciousness as my head swooned back and forth as warmth encompassed my body and I felt an LSD-like euphoria surging throughout my body.

It is now 2:00. There has been a continuous feeling of absolute elation both in my body and mind. I have been nodding for what seems all night, but it has only been hours. I did not even attempt to move however I had strategically placed my dab pen within my hand’s grasp and took more hits from my pen. I absolutely was floored and I was peaking so much it felt like my body was shaking inside itself, not me shaking but almost my entire system being overloaded by rapturous feelings.

At 3:00, I began to plateau. The nodding progressively became less intense and I was seeming to slowly regain full consciousness after having a semi-conscious journey to nowhere. I still felt sedated but nowhere near the level I had been a few hours before, and my breathing had also normalized at this point. I still felt overall at peace with myself and content with the state of the world. I slowly got up and reached to my bedside and loaded a final bowl to top off the experience. After consuming the bowl I decided the experience was basically wrapped up and I began to wind down for the night.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115483
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jul 28, 2023Views: 557
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