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One in a Lifetime Score
Citation:   Yardbird. "One in a Lifetime Score: An Experience with Methqualone (exp115513)". Sep 28, 2021.

1 g oral Methaqualone
One in a Lifetime Score: The Coveted Ludes

This happened about a year ago. Found a clandestine chemist who was synthesizing his own Methqualone and selling for a very limited time (and EXPENSIVE ass price). I made sure to Marquis test it because it seemed too good to be true, sure enough, it tested positive. I was VERY careful weighing my dose because Ludes were known to be incredibly easy to OD on (why they were banned). To make a long story short, I would need to cap up at least 1000mg to reach Wolf of Wall Street level fucked up. If I had to describe the high, it's like a very high dose of Lyrica/Gabapentin mixed with a little nitrous.

If I tried to stand up I busted my ass. My downstairs neighbors probably thought I was gonna fall through their roof it happened so much. I was still able to speak coherently, just couldn't walk. You know when your foot falls asleep? Imagine that tingle all over your body for an hour. The only downside is it's very short-lasting. I went through the bag in two days and will probably never get the chance again.

I got closed-eye visuals similar to that of an antipsychotic or moderate dose of Ambien. In terms of looks, it had a slight yellowish tinge to it. Very very light, pastel yellow powder.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 115513
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Sep 28, 2021Views: 1,290
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Methaqualone (218) : Unknown Context (20), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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