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Guinea Pigging
2C-T-2, Alcohol & Cannabis
by 7
Citation:   7. "Guinea Pigging: An Experience with 2C-T-2, Alcohol & Cannabis (exp115556)". Jul 24, 2023.

Repeated joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  Repeated glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  400 mg insufflated 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
I’d been at the beautiful days festival all weekend with my dad and a like-minded friend from work. It’s the type of place that feels like the Wild West but with gypsy type attractions. We were out to get smashed and let loose, we brought a ton of beers with us and enough weed.

I was getting through the beers and dancing to the music just enjoying the atmosphere, there were bikers and hippies and the teens on the stage and all round in the front of there was a miniature house with people inside it which was like a costume for four or so people inside the time seemed to drag on and by that time I’d decided to make a spliff and went out the stage side entrance. There’s a bald short guy asking if I had some rizlas and I said sure so I took a seat on the grass bank with close proximity to the entrance, handed the guy a beer also cause I was about tired. He was there with his buddy. I finished rolling a spliff and was finishing my beer.

The guys mentioned they were only here for this evening and had snuck in, at on point he pulls out a stuffed sack of acid tabs and god knows enormous quantities of powders of various colours. I asked if I could buy a tab off him. I’ve only ever had shrooms in the past before and the hallucinations were mediocre. He said sure he’d sell me one tab for a fiver and I realised I’d have to walk for about 30mins to get back through the mud. He said it’s cool and offered me some 2C-T-2 that was a terminator reference. He put a key in the bag and pulled out a massive pile, he tried to get as much on as possible. I’m a good mannered guy so I just took it for being generous, it was about half a gram if not more and by that point I was stoned and had been drinking all weekend pretty heavy. I was eager to have a decent trip; whatever, so I was not scared. I thought it’s just like coke, right? Anyways I’d not done any research on 2C’s before.

I insufflated the whole lot in a good one. After about 2 seconds, it’s stinging nettle electric pain in my nose. At that time the guy mentions that they haven’t tried it yet and he was guinea pigging me, but I didn’t mind. It seemed exiting, they wished me a good trip, I had the remaining beer still and a bit left on the bifta and got comfortable. The tent had lights all around it and then bang “whoaa” the light trailed like I just went into warp drive. It was really cool to see. But I turned back to the three people with me and extremely their faces shapeshifted into demonic beasts, that of fear and loathing.

I remember trying to explain the light trailing and the shapeshifting. It was as real as it could be but my words faded out of my own hearing. I turned upwards to look elsewhere and I was immediately blasted into space at light speed, I wondered what they would think that I just blasted off into space probably a bit worried lol. But actually I was getting a bit scared by then. It was very extreme onset. I actually believed I was being abducted by aliens, that weird feeling of rushing increased continuously at such a strong rate. I knew that my body would annihilate apart like a space shuttle going through orbit rattling and rushing. I could feel an intense weird blood rushing sensation to the point where I know humans cannot survive such palpitations. Suddenly I’m facing a shimmering light of such magnificent magnitude that type where I could die from the beauty of it. Because I was rushing so hard, literal universes were colliding and smashing being created from the energy I was emitting.

I’m going higher and higher further through time into the end of the universe and to the beginning again until the light covers my vision. I can’t even feel my body anymore. I’m just in love with the light and in utter peace with the blue skinned goddess type figure parallel in front of me.
I can’t even feel my body anymore. I’m just in love with the light and in utter peace with the blue skinned goddess type figure parallel in front of me.
I wondered if I’m dead. I thought I must be dead for sure. I can’t hear my voice but I know she can read my mind. I explained her beauty to her. She told me to try not to be astonished and calm down, relax in a soothing voice. She wanted me to stay with her there forever, and I wanted to also. But I said I must return to my family and my cats, they need me. It’s not my time yet.

Some time shifting and confusion and I'm back on the ground where I was looking around and it’s become eerily silent. I can see everything clearly, although it’s late night. I took a last sip on the beer and crushed the can in my hand, I realised I needed to go to the bathroom and got up. It was strange silence but I could see people standing around. I knew where the toilets were so I went towards them. On the way past I noticed I couldn’t see anyone’s faces from any angle. I thought it’s weird but continued on. I heard a voice of the guys I was sitting with, saying I should stay grounded. But I really needed to go pee. So I started running. I thought that I better hurry before the effects got worse.

Another painless bang and hard, felt like it hit me in the back of the head. So hard that I flew down to the ground. It was pretty worrying this time as I called for anyone to help me up of the people who’s faces always remained out of view I tried to turn someone around and it was impossible to see their face. At that time the infinite loop of the can I’d crushed and the intense smell of ammonia hit in. I was pretty creeped out and turned around to get my bearings. I could see where I thought I was sat, I’m not really sure if I even got up in the first place to go to the toilet. It felt as though the realisation that what I’m seeing is fake comparatively to where my body was.

I tried to start to walk back to the area where I sat. This time things were changing as I changed my peripherals and only a tree remained which was close by to the area. So I just aimed for that and it became an infinite walk. The floor was just wet mud and darkness. All alone, eventually there was nothing but mud, the crushing sound, ammonia and a feeling of being trapped. There must be a way out. I’m in a festival, so there’s deep mud and fences all around. I gave up and I couldn’t get out.

I couldn’t feel my body, only the electric shocks that was very uncomfortable, I lost all idea of who I am and what, “what?” There was just fragments of reality mixing into the hallucinations. There I was running again this time away from laughter and witches who wanted me dead. I ran into a fence at full speed and sagged my carcass onto the barbed wire, I’m still hearing the can crushing sound and smelling ammonia. I wanted to die then, like for real. It’s a good job I was unable to self harm because I was so scared, I felt myself pissing my pants which was actually a relief to feel anything ‘real’ whatever real was anymore.

I didn’t think I’d be able to get out of this purgatory delirium, I realised as I got up I’d ran towards the carnival but it was disproportionate and it freaked me out there was no visible entrances or exits or anything of substance just a hell carnival and a few now deformed hunchback figures who seemed untrustworthy types. I latched onto one of them who appeared to have a blue tint to their skin, I hugged them and ask them to help me get to safety. I told them I couldn’t see (I could only see hallucinations). I didn’t know the difference from what is real.

I woke up in the Saint Johns ambulance tent on a stretcher. It was like being able to breathe again after being under water, took a deep breath and tried to stand up. I could see through the walls and through my skin. Wires connected everywhere. I felt coming back. It was about 4hrs later after it began and was daytime. The nurse explained that a woman brought me in. I needed a lot of reassurance throughout and my pupils were massively dilated. I tried to escape numerous times and thank goodness they looked after me. I could have done myself a lot of damage. I won’t be doing any trips again now.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 115556
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 24, 2023Views: 286
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2C-T-2 (53) : Festival / Lg. Crowd (24), Entities / Beings (37), What Was in That? (26), Glowing Experiences (4), Health Problems (27), Bad Trips (6), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3), First Times (2), General (1)

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