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Waiting & Death
Citation:   Fennec Fox. "Waiting & Death: An Experience with DMT (exp115564)". Jun 26, 2021.

55 mg vaporized DMT (freebase)
This time we came prepared and I used “The Machine” with about 55mg of freebase.

After about 3 hits of The Machine, I got the same familiar feeling, with the room turning gold and so on. I closed my eyes and found myself in what I can only describe as a “Waiting World”. I got the feeling that there was something below and above this world like the whole place had a ceiling and it seemed to be in a doughnut shape. Thinking about it, not dissimilar to what you’d imagine the inside of a flying saucer looked like.

Everything was very modern and bright. I saw other beings made of energy and crystal fractals, they certainly didn’t seem Human but didn’t all seem to be the same species either. The energies were all different shapes and sizes.

I continued to observe for a minute before I was spotted by a tall female crystal-fractal-energy being who looked at me with suspicion and little confusion as to why and how I was there. She allowed me to continue walking around but closely followed and supervised me. She didn’t say anything, but she seemed to be hand-holding to ensure I didn’t get into or cause any trouble there.

Although I describe this world as a “waiting world”, it seems whoever was waiting there has been waiting a long time, long enough for the place to have an economy, market stalls and so on.
Not long after that, I returned to this reality.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115564
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Jun 26, 2021Views: 491
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DMT (18) : Unknown Context (20), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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