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The Perfect Way to Unwind
Citation:   Teacosy. "The Perfect Way to Unwind: An Experience with Clonazepam (exp115666)". Aug 1, 2023.

T+ 0:00
2 mg oral Clonazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 2 mg oral Clonazolam (pill / tablet)
Been using diazepam 5-10mg per day for over 2 years now, as well as modest amounts of alcohol to help me unwind in the evenings. However as I am naturally fairly short tempered and have been on SSRIs for depression and anxiety for many years, I decided I wanted to cut out alcohol completely as it was having a negative impact on my relationship.

Diazepam just didn't cut it, as the effects are too short lived and I found myself needing 20-40mg just to get me through an evening and night as the effects of each 10mg tablet wore off in about an hour. So I decided to try an alternative, and the first one I was able to get hold of that I was sure was legitimate was Clonazepam 2mg tablets.

I know I have a benzo dependency issue and will be seeking help to address that once I have completely eliminated alcohol from my life, as I believe trying to tackle two intertwined addictive substances at once is not practical. So far I have gone a long way towards cutting out alcohol as that has been the one which has the most negative impact on my relationship.

I have used this a few times now and have settled into a routine with it, the typical evening being as follows once I have completed any tasks which require driving, as I would never drive under the influence of any substance.

T+0:00 - Take one 2mg tablet with water.

T+0:20 - Noticeable effects of relaxation and most anxiety gone. I can either rest if I want, or still easily do domestic tasks such as cooking, or even complex tasks involving computers etc. This can go on for several hours if needed.

T+2:00 - I take another 2mg tablet with water after dinner.

T+2:30 - Now I feel incredibly relaxed and can just lay on the sofa relaxing with my partner or watching TV. I feel more emotionally attached to my partner, whereas without this med I am a bit irritable and distant.

T+4:00 (approx) - I go to bed and fall asleep in a matter of minutes, rather than the 1-2 hours that I always took to get to sleep, even before I began using alcohol or benzo's

I usually then sleep the whole night. Sometimes I have interesting and vivid dreams but this was most prominent in the first week, now it has reduced a lot. I perhaps wake briefly just once to go to the bathroom. I then wake up in the morning at around 07:30 refreshed and ready to go to work with no brain-haze or any other side effects.

The first few days that I used Clonazepam I did notice an aftertaste in my mouth for the majority of the following day, but now that seems to have gone, or I have got used to it. The thing I like most about Clonazepam is that unlike the other Benzo's that I have used in the past (Diazepam and Alprazolam) it seems to last a long time and I don't get any of the withdrawal symptoms in the late afternoon (visual disturbances, shakiness) that I used to get with the other mentioned substances.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115666
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Aug 1, 2023Views: 470
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Clonazolam (686) : Not Applicable (38), Relationships (44), Depression (15), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1)

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