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Doesn't Agree With Me
Salvia divinorum (10x extract) & Cigarette
Citation:   la_hormiga. "Doesn't Agree With Me: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) & Cigarette (exp115714)". Aug 24, 2023.

3 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Background info: I'm a 120lbs female and I have been a frequent recreational drug user for many years. I have tried almost all there is, and all sorts of psychedelics which are my favorite. However, I never had the chance to try Salvia before the time of this report and I have always been curious about it so when I finally got my hands on some 10x extract I was very excited.

I took the extract and my bong to a room where I least expected to be able to cause havoc or hurt myself in my intoxicated state. I smoked one small hit first to get an idea of what it feels like, and I experienced some mental confusion and the much described feeling of being pulled into one direction. I walked around for a minute or so to check how much my coordination was impaired (quite a bit) and then sat back down to take 2 huge hits to experience the "real thing".

What followed was very surprising. At first everything seemed to go as expected. The first effects came on quickly after exhaling the second hit. I felt like being pulled backwards, away from reality. I stared at the black and white tiles on the floor that I was sitting on, waiting for visual distortions, and at the same time I had the mental image of cartoon like row houses with people looking down on me from their balconies yelling "come up here it's nicer".

In a matter of just seconds I was more and more losing touch with reality, starting to forget where I was until - I can only describe it as this: My body rejected the drug and hit some sort of emergency break. It was the weirdest feeling. I felt like being violently ejected from a trip that was just about to start. Something inside me just went NOPE and completely shut down.

From that moment on I was pretty much clear headed except for some difficulties with concentration and short term memory, with no distortions to my perception whatsoever, but my body was still experiencing the physical effects of the drug. And God did I hate it!

I have done a high dose of not-so-great quality acid and remember the physical uneasiness and inability to feel comfortable in any position. It was like that, but a million times worse. Plus it gave me the worst mood of my life, I was instantly as pissed with the situation as I could possibly be. Every fiber of my body seemed to desperately want to get rid of the drug.
Plus it gave me the worst mood of my life, I was instantly as pissed with the situation as I could possibly be. Every fiber of my body seemed to desperately want to get rid of the drug.

I knew it would only last minutes, but I was so incredibly uncomfortable that I didn't know how I should deal with the feeling for even that short amount of time. I felt really hot, so I stumbled to the bathtub and rinsed my calves and forearms with ice cold water. That helped a bit, but the intense discomfort stayed. I went to the sofa, tried to lay down, but just couldn't lie still because then I'd feel the discomfort more intensely and I also started to feel hot again. So I proceeded to pace around the house looking for stuff to do to distract myself. I ended up washing dishes and vacuuming the floor while waiting for it to be over, muttering things like "ew, ew, ew, when is this shit going to stop, I hate it! “

I finally managed to sit still for a bit so I went outside to smoke a cigarette and over the course of the 5 minutes it took me to do so I noticed the intense annoyed/angry mood lifting gradually. It took another half hour or so to feel almost 100% normal again during which I distracted myself with more housework.

I gave the rest of the Salvia to a friend because I had no desire to try it again. He assured me that he tried it and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. It worked for him like it should have.

Never in my life have I had a bad trip/experience with a drug, ever. Especially not with psychedelics. I wouldn't even call this a bad trip, more like a serious lack of a trip, plus very unpleasant physical side effects. I guess I finally found a drug that just doesn't agree with me...

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115714
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 24, 2023Views: 230
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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