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When Is It Gonna Stop?
Cannabis & Tobacco
Citation:   IntoxicationAddicted. "When Is It Gonna Stop?: An Experience with Cannabis & Tobacco (exp11572)". Aug 14, 2020.

T+ 0:00
Repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 0:20 3 hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)

[Erowid Note: Some authors report suspicions that their cannabis has been 'laced' (adulterated), in some cases, presumably with PCP. While this is possible, readers should be aware that idiosyncratic response to the effects of cannabis (usually higher doses) can lead some users to presume their cannabis has been 'laced'. There is no way to know if the cannabis in the report below was adulterated or not. Reports of plant material and cannabis laced with powerful synthetic cannabinoids and other psychoactive substances became more common starting in 2007.]

I'm a (not so) healthy 17 year old pot head, with a smoking experience of (then) 3 years, during which I never had a bad high, I would've never thought that something like a bad experience was possible.Was I in for a surprise...

Waking up one fine day during my spring break I phone K, hoping he had any weed left from last nights party. Unfortunately he didn't, so we just decided to go out for a while to smoke a few cigs and chill. We met up 20 minutes later and K was with another friend (Z) who was his neighbour. We smoked a few cigs and around 13 o'clock we saw another friend - B.B was lookin really wasted, and I knew that he wasn't just high, I could feel it. I now recall, that during the high that followed, I had, on a few occasions, thought about his face, his eyes, his movement and all that was so strange...

Having thought about movement, I remember the motion of his hand when he took out a slim joint. The moment I saw the joint, all my pot-headish reactions, mouth dryness, milking eyes, heart pounding, peaked at a maximum - I WAS going to get high after all. And I would never forget it...The moment the joint was lit up I gave myself half a second to think. I always do that just before I get high. Its something like getting set for the experience... And oh boy, was it an experience! B lit the slim up and only hit it once, K followed up with a classical K-style hit-harsh and heavy. Z was up next, and not having smoked weed the last 2 days, he has also marijuana-hungry and hitting the joint with all he had. I was up last and knowing that we were only going to get 2 or 3 hits each, I emptied my lungs and then filled them up with the sweet taste. It was then that I noticed something wasn't quite right. B was laughing somewhat devilish, his face was fading, I could only hear his laughter... I shake my head and take my 2nd hit of the weed. Exhaling, I take a look at K, who, as always, was coughing up his insides. My last hit followed. Having already made a pattern of looking at a different friend on each hit, I now found myself looking at Z. He looked fuck up already, and frankly so was I.

T + 0:05 We waited a few seconds for the weed to kick in good and had a few smokes. Excluding the strange visions I was getting of my friends,the high was like any other.

T + 0:15 We're laughing our asses off! By now I know that the weed is real strong. My mouth is dry as hell,and by now I start feeling my heart pound at a (sort of) steady rate of around 100 beats.

T + 0:20 This is when it all went wrong. My vision becomes very blurry. My mouth had never been so dry. Because I had never felt something like that before, I got a bit shaky. I tell myself to keep talking to my friends - hoping not to lose it. I was still having a really good high. But all that changed in another few minutes.

T + 0:25 The nightmare started. My mouth was now so dry I actually had problems breathing! I was really dizzy, my vision was blurred to a point of near blindness. I couldn't feel anything, any part of my body, except my heart, which was now pounding over the mere tachicardia (heart rate of over 120 beats per min.) I was by now more than shaken. I kept wandering what was going on. During a horrifically long minute I made up my mind to go home.When I got up (after 2 unsuccessful tries) I hadn't yet noticed that B was gone for at least 10 min. Last thing I remember before leaving my friends and heading home was how B told me that we'll be seeing each other tomorrow. Why tomorrow wondered I? Why tomorrow, when he was supposed to be at a party with me later that day? I kept asking myself all that, and in less than a minute I got paranoid.

T + 0:30 I was now obsessed with the 'Oh my...Whats going on?' feeling. I was walking like a robot, the mere fact that I WAS walking cost me so much energy, that I had to stop 4 or 5 times just to TRY and take a deep breath. I was near suffocation. By now I was so fucked up, and so scared, that my in my mind the picture of my house, my apartment, was like a holy crusade for me. That was the heroic deed that I had to do-make it home.

T + 0:35 Having autopiloted home was now looking at my front door. Thank God I knew it was my front door, because my eye-sight was so fuzzed, I was sure that I wouldn't have recognised it. My goal was achieved. I was home... But I wasn't feeling better, I was getting worse.
My goal was achieved. I was home... But I wasn't feeling better, I was getting worse.
My heart rate was now over 150, I had the feeling that my mouth was swollen with dryness. The fact that I couldn't even pour myself a glass of water was now too much for me. I was feeling sick, I wanted my heart to stop pounding out of my chest. Looking around the kitchen only made things worse. I couldn't focus on anything and I got dizzy as hell.

T + 0:40 Getting more and more paranoid, I jump out of my skin every time I hear a loud noise. I took the decision to lock myself in the bathroom. I lit up a cigarette, drank a bit tap water and tried to calm myself. Unfortunately that proved impossible. I was feeling sicker and sicker every second. My imagination was playing tricks on my sight, my ears, even the water that I drinked had a strange taste. I was shaking my balls off. Being in such a condition, I REALLY didn't want to talk with my mother, which had surprisingly come home from work during her lunch break. It was actually my paranoia that made me think clearly for about 2 sec., which were enough for me to jump in and start having a bath...

T + 1h I'm still as intoxicated as I was an hour ago. 'This ain't good, oh my, when's it gon' stop...oh my...'

T + 1.20 I'm lying on my bed and trying to slower my heart rate. My body temperature is up, my vision is still blurry, I can't focus on anything except my heart pounding as wild. 'This really ain't good...'

T + 1.50 After spending half an hour at home, mainly stumbling over furniture, I go wild, and decide to go out and see whats up. Time is still like frozen, I have the feeling that I'm high since a week,my vision is still blurry,but now when I close my eyes I start seeing different triangles and squares...Closed eye visuals...On weed? I'm not really enjoying this.

T + 2.10 I lose around 20 min. Going down the stairs trying not to fall over and kill myself. I exit my house and take a deep breath...Which nearly kills me-I pass out for around 2 sec. And find that I'm now located on the floor and my head hurts worse than a migraine-hangover combination. Opening my eyes I don't see anything for the around 1 min.,well,except the triangles and squares,ofcourse. Getting up I realise what a mistake I've made...I feel trapped-I'm suffocating,but still don't want to take a deep breath,fearing my next pass out will surely kill me. I remember that for a few moments I thought about the time that had passed since I was high. I'm now well into 2 hours of intense suffocation,tachicardia,paranoia and fear...Well,unfortunately,that was just the begining...

T + 3 Having now spent nearly an hour outdoors,thinking that that would help me in any way,I was hit with one of the the most intense panic attacks since the whole thing started. As I write these words,I smile,but will never forget how near I was to bursting into tears. Salvation came in the face of one of my best friends at the time. Her first reaction was to tell me how stoned I was,and knowing that my weed related intoxications where daily,she smiled and gave me a hug. I tried to smile back,but that was the minute that she told me that I was really pale and that she could feel MY heart in the back of HER neck. I told her my whole story up to the minute I had seen her. After that we talked and talked and talked for 4 hours.

T + 7 'This isn't working,its not helping me'. My body felt the same way it did roughly 7 hours ago. My friend suggested that we go and chat for a while at a local internet-club. Some chatting I did...Only thing that mattered was the fact that I was a bit more relaxed. And then,out of nowhere,I suddenly feel like I was hit by a speeding truck. I start panicing again,my heart accerates over 140 beats,and everything goes black for a brief period. And then to my surprise,I find out that all that happened in my mind! I can't quite explain how I found that out...I'm just sure it didn't really happen...It was so strange...And on top of all I keep getting these visuals of all sorts...

'...I've had it,I'm outta here...'.I return home 30 min. Later. My heart rate is still 120-130,I'm still feeling as dizzy as hell and my eye-sight is still blurred...

T + 10 Still no change. I become frustrated. I'm now sure that I'm not only high on weed,but also on something else. Its 23 o'clock...I become more than frustrated...'I'm sick,I'm doing to die,I'm never gonna come down...Oh my...When is it gonna stop...'

T + 11 I fall asleep...I'm not 100% sure it was exactly at 24 o'clock,but it must've been round that time. I dream all night. I'm in a very strange state. I'm not sure if I'm asleep or not. This continues the whole night.

T + 21 I 'wake' up. I'm totally fuzzed. Just for a sec I think that everything is normal again...Bad mistake...My heart starts pumping up to a rate of 140...'Not again,please,not again...'. I get up and take a shower.

T + 23 I go out again. I take a refreshing walk during which I start feeling better. My mouth is no longer dry and after having a monster of a breakfast at home I feel kinda good. I'm no just plain high. That good old high... No more heart-racing,no more depression,no more worrying about coming down.

T + 26 I'm still VERY high,but no more physical defects. I return home and get on the net.

T + 28 I'm down...Finally,my journey had come to an end. I feel more confident from my experience. I sit down and start thinking about all the events on a sober head. I'm sure the weed was laced. I'm sure I had a panic attack. I'm sure that I was really intoxicated. I'm SURE that I can make it through another such experience. Because I now have the knowledge how to...

And this is why I wanted to share this knowledge with everyone who reads all this. I'm not cannabis obsessed. I love smoking,I love being stoned,but that doesn't mean I'll never stop smoking. Its just that I prefer weed over LSD,or MDMA,or Heroin,or Cocain,or Shrooms....

Well-thank all you people that took the time to read this,I hope that it'll help,excuse my bad spelling...and happy puffin' q=]~


Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 11572
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Aug 14, 2020Views: 814
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Cannabis (1) : Various (28), Multi-Day Experience (13), What Was in That? (26), Health Problems (27), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3), General (1)

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