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Looking Forward to Any Mild Effects
Citation:   sushi. "Looking Forward to Any Mild Effects: An Experience with Catnip (exp115726)". Sep 23, 2021.

  oral Catnip (tea)
Homegrown Catnip Tea

At the local health store one day I saw catnip seeds. I grew them in the garden as I saw they were good to grow near melons. After harvest and drying I decided to try a tea one night.

As I am sipping my tea I am curious as to what any effect will be so I read some reports. It seemed from reports to be very mild, however I have been sober for ~5 years, so I am looking forward to any mild effects I may feel.

Still sipping my tea I notice I need to poop. I saw catnip described as a diuretic and am wondering if I would be feeling the same if I had not had any catnip tea.

After I pooped I felt a huge relief. On this night I set an intention to stop using my phone and computer for watching youtube and playing video games. I normally am on my phone playing video games when pooping but this time I was present. It felt like I was purging out these bad habits. I felt in tune with my body. I felt the craving of my organs and limbs and muscles and skin and hair to pay more attention to them. I felt the earth in pain. I begin to think about the earth communicating to me through this herb. It seems magical. Youtube and tik tok seem devilish to me now. I decide to put on some music and hang out with my dog.

I went out to my backyard with my dog. I listened to the bugs and observed the tree in my backyard. It felt warm and cozy compared to the cold AC in my home. Upon coming in I got ready to go to sleep.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115726
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Sep 23, 2021Views: 496
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Catnip (68) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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