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Still Alive
Peganum harmala & Mushrooms - P. cubensis
by DVD
Citation:   DVD. "Still Alive: An Experience with Peganum harmala & Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp115746)". Oct 3, 2021.

T+ 0:00
3.5 g oral Syrian Rue (tea)
  T+ 0:20 2 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (tea)
Plant Preparation Time of ingestion Amount
P. Harmala Tea T+0 3,5 g
P. Cubensis None T+20 2,0 g

I’ve tried this combination after knowing that MAOIs could magnify the effects of psilocybin mushrooms since they inhibit the biochemical pathway of the active principle’s oxidation.

The event reported happened around 12:00 after I’ve made a 12+ hours fasting. I had a friend with me that took the same amount of the same plants except that he used the lemon tek preparation for the mushrooms. Other three friends of mine are looking after us while being sober.

The tea was prepared with a triple extraction by boiling for 30 minutes with lemon.

The tea has the same exact taste as vomit, the similarity is almost astonishing. Since I’ve already consumed it I knew that putting a ton of sugar into it would make it bearable.

I’ve consumed the mushrooms.

I’ve finished the last sip of tea I’ve left as the mushrooms start to kick in.

I feel the horrible taste of the tea taking over and a ton of nausea. I end up throwing up part of the mushrooms, that’s the first time I’ve thrown up for any substance in my entire life. I start feeling a strong sense of intoxication and I keep myself near the toilet in case I have to vomit.

T ?
Time Is extremely dilated and a quarter of hour seems to take forever, it is much more powerful than mushrooms alone.

The intoxication gets worst and I feel like if I am always about to vomit even if I haven’t eaten anything. I don’t have any energy and I feel extremely tired but can’t sleep. It is one of the worst situations I’ve ever experienced.

I start reflecting on my life choices and on how I should have been more cautious, CEVs are present (a woman coming out of a game card). It was very similar to a delirium you could get from an high fever. Some positive effects of mushrooms (euphoria and color saturation) are absent. The experience taught me how precious my life is, as I was surprised to be still alive.

During the comedown the sense of intoxication persisted and was like a very strong hangover; time dilation and the incapability to fall asleep from Syrian rue turned it Into a tedious torture that lasted until around ten o’clock. My friend reported similar effects except that he didn’t vomit, that he felt some strong whistles and had nightmare CEVs (he’s seen hell).

I don’t exactly know what went wrong, but I’ve got three hypotheses:
-I’ve used excessive amounts of Syrian rue, which is naturally known to cause vomit when used in ayahuasca
-I’ve caused myself a serotoninergic syndrome
-I consumed mushrooms that had a high Tyramine content for being +1 months old

Whatever is the reason it was so unpleasant to make any possible positive result not worth it.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115746
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Oct 3, 2021Views: 595
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Syrian Rue (45), Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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