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Fetty Spaghetti
Citation:   TattdNBlssd. "Fetty Spaghetti: An Experience with Fentanyl (exp115748)". Oct 5, 2021.

  smoked Pharms - Fentanyl
Fetty Spaghetti (Fentanyl a Gateway Drug 2 ''H'')

I receive my first confidentially packaged product direct from China. 4 chemicals make one deadly concoction... Fentanyl. 500 grams. Anyways, stopped all that and went back to tar.

Almost 8 years removed I relocated back to Southern California and had no "H" left and I didn't know anyone that was still in the game in the area. So I resort to the obvious places. Motel 6s and Hotel/motel/inns that you see lots of people outside smoking cigarettes and clothes drying on the balcony railings. No one had black they said no one uses it anymore only "Fetty". WTF is Fetty? Found out it was watered down fentanyl and it was taking addicts out left and right. I tried it a few times and ODd after 3 Blues (M30s which were really just passed fentanyl) had to be hardened and taken by ambulance to hospital. That was the only time where Fetty felt strong. Been doing it daily for about 6 months and spending over $500/wk to only feel "good" but not high at all. I smoked a 3 pk to the dome in about 2 hours and all I got was sleepy. No not a nod. Sleepy. No warmth, no rush even after slamming it. It is garbage. But I can't get off of it cuz I am done getting sick. And Suboxone can only be taken after almost 72 hours of withdrawal from Fetty. Or take it early and precipitated withdrawal takes over. Eff all that.

I am going to try Bernese Method (Suboxone therapy by MicroDosing) starting tomorrow. Gonna get a 3 pk. And 5 sub strips. Cutting subs into 16ths. Slowly increasing microdosed while continuing opiate use but only enough to not feel symptoms of withdrawal. Like this:

Day 1- 1/16th or .1mg twice per day 12 hours apart using Fetty throughout day
Day 2- 1/16th .5mg subs twice per day continue Fetty decreasing slowly
Day 3- 1/8 strip 1mg twice day continue Fetty decreasing
Day 4 2mg 1/4 step twice continue Fetty
Day 5- 2mg twice day continue Fetty
Day 6-4mg twice day barely use Fetty
Day 7-4mg subs 2 times cease Fetty altogether.
Day 8- 8mg subs 1 time
Day 9-2mg 2 times
Day 10- 1mg 2 times
Day 11- .5mg 2 times
Day 12- .5mg one time
Day 13-.25mg 1 time
Day 14- clean date.

Exp Year: 2013-2021ExpID: 115748
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 5, 2021Views: 1,734
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Pharms - Fentanyl (223) : Unknown Context (20), Addiction & Habituation (10), General (1)

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