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25 Years Later
Heroin, Fentanyl & Morphine
Citation:   Katrina. "25 Years Later: An Experience with Heroin, Fentanyl & Morphine (exp115764)". Oct 5, 2021.

3.5 g   Heroin (daily)
    g transdermal Pharms - Fentanyl (patch)
      Morphine (capsule)
_0 years of Heroin. Rescued by Morphine.

Following the loss of children, I foolishly sought solace in lady H. What a truly beautiful lover she is. Of course everyone that hasn't fallen prey to its charms, will never have the opportunity to find out. If it wasn't a literal dream, nobody would ever waste their time, life and money. 25 years later, having failed to quit countless times, including dalliances with both methadone and subutex, fortune fell upon me in full disguise.

After 6 long months of not so undercover observation during a global drought, the order is made to "bring me in" or forget it. Most finding themselves in court, accused by two Nokia 3310s, would feel duly wounded but my time was up! This would be my best chance of getting my life back with the help of a solid, steel door and some determination. A sentence of 30 months in our proud nation, means 12 and some time with some monitoring tacked on.

Luckily the admin decided "I don't share nice", so It's the luxury of a single cell (nobody finds it easy to use the facilities with an audience). Teaching myself it was "now or never" was assisted by the luckiest break of my pathetic life. With prison facilities so widely treated as mental health overflow, my doctor saw fit to have faith in my conviction. He decided I could use a short term fentanyl patch, providing it was signed by the issuing nurse and covered with a adhesive dressing that will take with it at least three layers of skin. Attendance for changing the mess of coverings, included inspection to confirm nobody had tampered with it. Knowledge of its use alone would tempt a good majority of inmates to pass it round for a communal munch. Before long, I was reducing the amount required until it felt more like a comforter. Something that would improve the odds upon release. A steady stream of clean tests combined with my tendency to maintain a wide berth, guaranteed my stay would not exceed a year. Probably sounds like I hadn't deserved it at all!

Release included several undermining conditions, such as wearing an electronic ankle bracelet, being confined to my parents home during daytime and completing my sentence with regular visits to probation services (with a wholesome emphasis on self reflection). Quickly shed the probation order, but stepping out of the back door had me beeping like a demented pager.

As a reward, my new doctor accepted my story about my concern for the dogs if they were to find a stray patch, so it was agreed to use morphine slow release caps instead. [400mg/day] I find the slow release caps have been pretty easy to reduce.

Without that decision to trust in my decision, It's likely I wouldn't have made it this far and gained the trust of family and friends, a place on the local healthcare board and a position of trust in my new locality. Who would have thought I could get credit at shops and financial ops?

There is life after Heroin.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 115764
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 46
Published: Oct 5, 2021Views: 1,645
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Pharms - Fentanyl (223), Morphine (211) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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