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Pushing the Boundaries
by Red
Citation:   Red. "Pushing the Boundaries: An Experience with 4-HO-PiPT (exp115770)". Sep 23, 2021.

0.1 - 40 mg insufflated 4-HO-PIPT (powder / crystals)
  150 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (daily)
I’ve been experimenting with 4-HO-PiPT fumarate for about a year now. As it is a relatively new substance, I would like to provide the world some documentation with regards to this chemical. I’ve always procured my supply from the same source. My doses have ranged from 0.1-40 mg which I have always consumed intranasally (except for the low doses consumed to check for an allergy and one dose consumed intra-anally) and weighed out on a fortuitously procured high-quality microbalance that is accurate to 100 μg. This report is meant to be an overview of my experiences to supplement the paucity of information on the internet with regard to this substance; thus, I have not provided a time series following dosing.

4-HO-PiPT, in my estimation is an amazing (at least at the doses I’ve consumed), relatively forgiving and, safe substance. That being said, I have had a couple alarming experiences with this compound, mostly in combination with other drugs.

I have taken loads of different hallucinogenic/entheogenic drugs/research chemicals.

Before I continue, I would like to add that I cannot guess whether the 4-HO-PiPT I consumed from my vendor is the same as that which is available from other vendors: I did not test it. The internet is awash with false trip reports and unjustified hype motivated by money. Please remember this when sourcing your product. It is of the utmost importance to have a sober friend around when first trying a new substance, a substance from a new source, or when attempting an “epic” dose. Also, it doesn’t hurt to have a naloxone/narcan kit handy in case of accidentally consuming an opiate. With new substances or new vendors, I start small. I'll add 10 mg to 10 mL water, take 1 mL out and into a new container then add 9 more mL of water. This way when I drink 1 mL of the second container, I consume only 100 μg of the substance. This dose could still be fatal if the substance is mislabeled; but, many potentially dangerous or strongly hallucinogenic substances (e.g. fentanyl or LSD) could be less dangerous at this dilution (depending on one's weight). If I am really worried, I repeat this dilution so I only consume 100 ng. Of course, if the substance will not dissolve in water, this approach will not work and I may need to try ethanol or another safely consumable solvent. Doing some basic research on the chemical in question can help me identify the appropriate solvent. After I consume a diluted substance, I wait a few hours to make sure that I am okay before attempting to consume more. I always test my drugs if possible and use harm reduction practices.

4-HO-PiPt fumarate is the most addictive tryptamine I have tried (psilcybin mushrooms, DMT, 5-MeO-MiPT, 4-HO-MiPT). The issue is tolerance. For whatever reason, in my case tolerance does not seem to build with this drug, such that I can do several doses in a row and continue to achieve peak effects. For some context, I went through 250 mg in about a month. At low intranasal doses, (5-10 mg) 4-HO-PiPT is mildly inebriating, putting a trippy edge on things. At 5-10 mg doses, visuals aren’t present for me unless I consume cannabis.
At 5-10 mg doses, visuals aren’t present for me unless I consume cannabis.
The interesting stuff starts at about 20 mg. The world around me starts to visually flow. It almost appears as if reality is melting. This is accompanied by an incredible body high such that in combination with the visuals, it feels as if I am flowing down a massive river or waterfall. Accompanying this feeling is an intense tactile enhancement akin to MDMA, but without the time dilation, confusion or sexual dysfunction. It is highly sedating, except with regard to sex. The visuals are reminiscent of other tryptamines l have consumed (5-meo-MiPT, DMT, 4-HO-MiPT, psilocybin), which on the come-up, cause yellow and pink tones to appear as different colours, still understood as yellow or pink but qualitatively different. This observation fades as the visuals become more all encompassing. At 30-40 mg, visuals become quite intense (but not as much so as DMT: 4-HO-PiPT is not dissociative for me at the doses I have taken). At these doses, the trip becomes more introspective and insightful, providing insight into the nature of reality. The experience seems to unpredictably vary in length from 1-4 hours. Higher doses correspond to a longer duration. I have a suspicion that oral doses may be stronger than intranasal doses; however, I have not tried this route of administration with 10-40 mg doses.

I have tried this compound in combination with the following drugs: nicotine, caffeine, bupropion, cannabis, alcohol, 4-HO-MiPT, MDMA, proscaline and methylallylescaline. Nicotine, cannabis and caffeine were used in most cases. 20 and 40 mg proscaline (orally and intra-anal, respectively) was tried twice with 20 and 40 mg 4-HO-PiPT (intranasal) respectively. 150 mg MDMA (orally) and 40 mg methylallylescaline (MAL) (orally) were tried once together with 5 mg 4-HO-PiPT (intra-anal on the MAL comedown). 20 mg methylallylescaline was taken once (intra-anal) with 30 mg 4-HO-PiPT (intranasal). Additionally, I take 150mg bupropion XL daily. It should be noted that cannabis in combination with any of these drugs has the potential to cause a panic attack. In my personal experience, cannabis is safe to use on the comedown, but not at the peak of a 4-HO-PiPT trip.

The most complicated and alarming experience I had with 4-HO-PiPT was in combination with MAL. I took 20 mg of MAL intra-anally (boofing, plugging, etc). This was half of the dose of MAL I had previously taken orally, but the effects were markedly enhanced and the duration diminished. I am not sure if this was the result of combination with the 4-HO-PiPT or if this was due to the change in route-of-administration. I insufflated 3 lines (10 mg each) of 4-HO-PiPT over the course of three hours, the last at about the time I plugged the MAL. There was a period (10-30 mins) about an hour after the MAL administration where something felt very wrong. This was an intense feeling of dysphoria, like I was sick and everything was wrong. It was accompanied by intense visuals and totally disorganized thoughts that literally “clanked” around my mind (with the accompanying noises). I was able to overcome this by lying down and breathing deeply. It should be noted that I smoked cannabis IMMEDIATELY prior to this experience. I was worried enough that I called my partner to let them know I was feeling wrong. I did not have any alarming experiences by combining 4-HO-PiPT with proscaline, whether administered intra-anally, orally or in combination with cannabis.

All in all, one of the most insightful and at the same time mentally manageable tryptamines I have tried. The ability to re-dose is an addiction issue, but the expense mostly precludes this possibility. I never felt as if I was out of control on this hallucinogen with the exception of the MAL story I related above. That situation was recoverable and I was able to calm myself and ride it out. Good luck and be smarter than me, especially if you are planning to combine research chems.


Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115770
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 23, 2021Views: 729
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4-HO-PIPT (931) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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