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Pleasant Mood Enhancement
Citation:   Jill Stingray. "Pleasant Mood Enhancement: An Experience with 2C-B (exp115788)". Sep 26, 2021.

0.5 tablets oral 2C-B
I took half of a 20mg 2cb pill to test its effects. I unfortunately don't know if it's hcl or hbr, and I've heard how common it is for pills to be underdosed, so it may have been slightly under 10mg.

Within 15 minutes my stomach started getting a little nauseous, it felt like it was filled with rocks. It was pretty unpleasant so I laid down on my floor for the first hour or so, but it never became unbearable. It lasted a little over an hour.

The first thing I noticed was slight time dilation, followed by a subtle but noticeable psychedelic headspace. My vision felt different somehow, but it wasn't pronounced enough to tell what it was exactly, possibly extremely slight color enhancement and distortions too small to really notice. The only obvious visual oddity was with a square picture above my curved bed frame, the bottom of the picture seemed to curve with the frame.

About two hours in I started getting a sort-of warm feeling inside my body. It made me want to be social and talk to people. I tried to talk to my family a bit, which felt particularly nice, but even at this low dose I was having a hard time determining whether or not my actions appeared sober, so I decided it'd be better if I went on a walk instead. The walk was very nice but nothing spectacular. The subtle psychedelic headspace definitely added a bit of extra fun to it. I felt a connection to the people I passed by, and felt a desire to interact with them. It was a strange feeling since I'm normally very reserved and would rather keep to myself. It was also a little dissatisfying each time I walked past someone without any interaction.

My walk lasted about 45 minutes before I came back home and my family was preparing to watch a movie. It was incredibly fun talking to my sister before the movie started, the 2cb was definitely influencing my interaction with her in a positive way. I began sobering up right about here, and I felt almost completely sober 30 minutes into the movie. Watching it with the 2cb was definitely a little different than sober, but not in any significant negative or positive way. Because of my low dose, it's difficult for me to fully describe a lot of the feelings as they weren't very pronounced. My muscles felt a little tense during and after the comedown, but it was pretty small and was gone the next day.

An interesting thing to note is that from my 25e-nboh trips, I've had a weird, difficult to describe feeling in the back of my throat. Nothing unpleasant, it's just there. I had that same effect on this dose of 2cb. It was definitely a pleasant trip once I got past the nausea. I stayed hydrated and never experienced any headaches. Despite the light headspace, I still had a hard time determining whether or not I was acting sober. This isn't something I would like to do in higher doses if I needed to pretend to be sober, I don't think I'd be able to do it. I think I would enjoy a higher dose but using something like ginger to reduce stomach nausea would be a necessity.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115788
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Sep 26, 2021Views: 633
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2C-B (52) : General (1), Alone (16)

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