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Sophisticated and Lovely
Citation:   The Drug Concierge . "Sophisticated and Lovely: An Experience with 2C-B-Fly (exp115824)". Dec 1, 2021.

14 mg oral 2C-B-Fly (powder / crystals)
Saturday this weekend after having a nice afternoon with my gf. My friend Z came by to visit for our monthly tasting of a psychedelic we have both not tried, and that weekend we had two options, either 2C-P or 2C-B-Fly. We decided on Fly due to its shorter trip time. To give a little back story. My friend Z has the most amazing and museum worthy collection of all sorts of very pure substances that he has collected thru out 10 years. Thanks to mostly him and another friend I have now tried 91 different substances of all types but mostly phenethylamines, tryptamines and dissos.

Around 5:30 PM we decided to take our dose. My friend Z decided to take 18 mg and I decided to take 14mg. I usually have a high tolerance for Phens, but since it was the first time trying this substance. I decided to be conservative and take 14 mg. After reading many reports I felt comfortable taking 14 even if it was going to be underwhelming. I was hoping that I would like it just like Ann Shulgin.

T+1:30– At around one and a half hours and I started noticing a warm gentle compress all over my body I was surprised to be feeling this since I did take a small dose and usually take 35 or 40+ of 2c-b. As this progressed I noticed I was in a very clear headspace and I could talk to my girlfriend and my friend just fine there was no noticeable visuals besides maybe some color saturation at this point.

T+2:00– at this point I felt it had settled in just fine my whole body felt warm I had a little bit of euphoria nothing too noticeable it was very pleasant very clearheaded I felt like snuggling with my girlfriend and I was very thankful she was there with me. I noticed I I was hungry and decided to make my girlfriend some food. I did I decided to make some soup and some raviolis and they tasted quite amazing I definitely noticed an increase in taste sensitivity.

T+4:00– I definitely felt I was peaking at this point. No real noticeable visuals like 2c-b but I did feel a similar warmness and positivity that reminded me of it. I can definitely see Ann Shulgin’s love of how she liked it. Showing it had the potential to be very erotic and very sensual and I do not have anything bad to say about this substance. I would love to try it again and higher doses I bet it’s delightful just like Ann said.

T+6:00– At this point I started feeling like I was coming down very smoothly I was still hungry and made him some food for us and proceeded to tell my friend how much I enjoyed the small and medium dose of this substance. I also commented to him that I do not understand why some people don’t like it. For me it was a very friendly psychedelic it was not deep like LSD or 2C-E, My body felt a nice warm this all around and I kept a positive mindset throughout the night. I definitely see the potential for a more interesting trip at higher doses maybe 18-20mg next time. Even though I did not find this substance boring at all it could be a perfect drug for socializing at the right dose and even might have some therapeutic potential.

With caution and respect, this substance can be used in a very positive way but needs to be highly regarded with respect. Blessings to you all be safe . don’t be cocky with your psychedelics. Aho Mitakuye Oyasin . अनिच्चा वत संखारा

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115824
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 1, 2021Views: 1,450
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2C-B-Fly (350) : First Times (2), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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