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Soothing Secure Safety
Heroin & Kratom
Citation:   WeAreGod. "Soothing Secure Safety: An Experience with Heroin & Kratom (exp115847)". Sep 30, 2022.

  smoked Heroin  
      Kratom (daily)
Received about 0.1 of Black Tar a while ago.
Waited for the perfect time to do it.
I still had lots of fear in me.
"What if I die?"
"I might be addicted forever"
"That movie Requiem for a Dream was fucked up"

One dreary depressing night, I decided now is the time.
I don't care if I die, in fact I welcome death now..
I'm sick of this life, this is my last resort...

So I get comfortable, turn the light off.
Lay on my side in bed with a candle.
Prepare the Black Tar in Tin Foil.
Heat it over the candle
Inhale cautiously
Exhale happily.

Well, it was nice.

A very cozy warm soothing feeling washed over me.

I felt completely relaxed, all of my pain & worry had dissipated.
I feel safe, healthy, calm, and pain-free.


So I keep smoking the entirety of it.
Eventually my body becomes heavier, eyes hard to keep open, head heavy to keep up...

I begin nodding off into pleasant Opiate-Dreams.
If you haven't "nodded-off" before, I'll try to describe it briefly...
Imagine being a child again in school or on the bus.
No worries, no responsibilities, no pain...
Just the pure innocent warmness of childhood.
You feel tired with a heavy head and drift off into a little day-dream at your desk or on the playground.
You imagine being back at home and playing your video game or going out with friends...
And then suddenly you snap back out of it and pickup your head straight...

That's a nod, except WAY more comfortable than sitting in a desk during class.
Maybe drifting off to dreamland in the safe embrace of your Mother/Father/Guardian...

When I was done smoking it, I crumbled up the Foil and threw it away. Done.
It was very nice, but not soul-consuming like the propaganda programs us to believe...

I received 0.1g pure Brown Powdered Afghan Heroin maybe a year later.
Again, I waited for the right moment...
One night when I was in alot of pain, I got my Narcan Spray and my gear setup to smoke.
This stuff was not as potent as the tar. I was underwhelmed honestly.

I tried insufflating it too, but didn't get much from it.
Oh well.

I should mention I have a moderate Opiate tolerance from my daily Kratom use.

Heroin & Opiates in general cause me to feel

Sometimes I need help to feel that way, and that's okay.
But the problem is when people depend on an external thing to feel that way all the time.

(especially if that external thing causes side effects that ruin life)

Heroin isn't much different from other Opiates...
It's cheaper and slightly more potent than the others, but overall it's all the same...

If you're using Opiates or plan to use Opiates, please beware of FENTANYL in fake pills, Heroin, and even Cocaine....

You can probably get a Narcan Nasal Spray from your local Pharmacy for free with Health Insurance.

If not, try finding a local Addiction center or Clinic that has them available.
It could save a life!

Heroin feels amazing, but it's not something that I'm going to do everyday.
I've also heard it compared to the post-orgasm bliss.
I agree with that! It is very physically blissful.
Some people are in severe pain,
that's why they use it daily...
I don't plan to seek it.
But I do love it!
Bliss, OM

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 115847
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Sep 30, 2022Views: 408
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Heroin (27) : Alone (16), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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